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I fished cass monday and tuesday two of us got our limit of 9"-11" perch both days fished pikes bay for couple of hours monday but only got small ones. 14 fow

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Coming up in a couple of weeks. Did you fish out by humps or in close? Minnows or grubs? Any update would be apprciated. TKS!

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The access over by Knutson had major slush problems this last week... The pressure ridge running from Star to Cedar has been varying through the whole winter... Two weeks ago there was a 6' wide area of snow melt running along the side of the ridge... Was out on Pike Bay last night guiding.. Landing a few walleyes and a ton of perch(As usual).. Also caught a dandy eel pout... Ice was thick and the new snow cover was adding a lot of weight to the ice, causing slush were you drill holes... Travel was fine with a four wheel drive vechicle... Just watch out for drifts wwere perm's were sitting...


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Thanks for the update coming up friday for so perch action. Can't wait looks like it is gonna be a nice warm day to move around and not worry about setting up the house. How much snow did you end up getting??? It is just creating alot of slush.


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we got the 6-10 they were predicting. Now they are saying 3-7 more tomorrow. Might not be able to get around as much next weekend.

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Are you going to be out fishing this weekend at all. I hope that we are going to be able to get around ok. Thanks for the snow update.


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Probably not, I have to go to Fargo to check out some equipment I might buy. I'll let you know what happens with the snow today though. It was raining on the way to work this morning.

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If anyone is going to be on Pike Bay this weekend will be out on Saturday and Sunday Morning. Will be in a Black S-10 ZR-2 with a Clam 5600, stop by and say hi.

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