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Hey Guys,

I don't post much on here, but just thought I should drop a note letting everyone know that Tom "FOOT" Miller died this past weekend of a heart attack. I know he spent some time on this forum.

Here was one of his last posts.......


Amen CT. Lets git rid of this snow and cold weather and get to open water fishing.

I'm feeling the best I've felt in over a year and can't wait to get the boat out and get to drowning bait. Not only that but I've got a 7 year old grandson that wants to get going as well. Opening will be at Winnie again this year with my son and possibly my grandson. 7 might be just a tad young what with opening having the possibility of some rough cold weather.

Hope everything is going good with your ticker and the medication you're on works. I just had a week in St. Mary's where they finally shocked my heart back in rythum. It had been in AFIB (upper chambers beat faster then the lower) for a year. I finally saw a Cardio Dr. that said to try shocking first rather then go right to a pace maker.

I'm feeling great, loosing weight and ready to go.

Foot was 59 frown.gif

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That is unbelievable, I didnt really Tom very well, talked to him a few times on this site, and played poker w/ him @Brother's. News like that just puts things into perspective about what is really important, I was kinda pissed about a bad beat in a poker game this morning, but after reading this, it seems all to trivial. Anyway, my condolences to Tom and his family.

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Sorry to hear about the sad news Jake. I never had a chance to meet him but I did enjoy his "old school" style of writing. God bless you and his family!

I think the rest of FM should know about this news. He shared some excellent posts with everyone on this site. Not just in the Rochester forum.

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This is indeed a shock and my heartfelt sympathies go out to the family.

While in fact never had the occasion to meet, we did have the chance for some internet banter and a couple of e-mails at one time. He and I had similar experiences with our hearts at almost the same time so this news strikes very close to home.

Again, my condolances go to the family and prayers for God's speed to Tom.

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I'm very sorry to hear about FOOT. I've read several of his posts and you kinda feel like you know the guy even though you've never met.

Again, I'm very sorry for your loss.

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I also never had the pleasure of meeting FOOT, but read many of his postings. To lose a fisherman is to lose a buddy!! My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends.

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My condolences also to the FOOT family. Never got the pleasure of meeting him but we had an exchange before Christmas in the Open Water heading under Worst Vehicles. I got a charge out of his response regarding the Studebaker Hawk his Dad once had. Could tell we had some definite things in common and am sorry to hear he's no longer with us. May he fish on in peace.

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I never met FOOT but read his posts often. Here is one that touched me.

quote]This story is a sad one !

Back in the winter of 1972 my wife and I were buying our first house. We already had a daughter and a son was on his way. Consequently, we had to look for a smaller home but one that had a good sized yard and in Mpls that's not easy.

Our realtor found us a place just off 94 in Bloomington on a dead end street that seemed perfect. Price was $23,850 with 2 bedrooms on main level.

When we went to see the house the owners weres till there and we got to talking. The man foudn out I liked to hunt and fish and started regailing me with how the happist times he ever had was when his father took him fishing when he was a young boy. His father died early and he hadn't been fishing since. But they bought a cabin up North and he was planning to go fishing every day.

The Fall of 1973 the previous owners wife stopped by to say Hi and see what we had done to the house. After a few minutes conversation over coffee she informed us that her husband had committed suicide.

Seems that fishing never lived up to what he imagined it to be. One day he just took the boat out and in the middle of the lake put a bullet in his head. The note he left said fishing was never as much fun as when he was fishing with his father and he just couldn't take it any longer.


Needless to say this is another case of putting off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. Enjoy life, go fishing now, get your family and friends involved and don't wait until your expectations are so high that nothing can ever live up to them.

Somewhere I hope he and his father are now fishing together and enjoying it.

FOOT I know you are on that lake where the sun never sets and fishing with the greatest fisherman ever.though we never met I'll miss you.

Your Friend

Res Dawg frown.gif

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Please send my condolences to the Foot family! Sad to hear!

Amen Reservoir! AMEN! Live for today as noone is promised tomorrow.

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