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DL forum get together

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What do you say guys, how about a little gathering. We had one last year but not a lot of people showed up. I'm thinking some time around the second week in March. So what does everyone think. Day, time, lake, let's figure something out. I'd like to hit Rose, what do you guys suggest. I haven't fished Rose yet this year and it would be good to hit with a bunch of guys.


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That sounds like a great idea. I am not going to say for sure that i am going to be there because march will be a busy month for me. But if it works into my schedule i would definitly be there. I have iced rose once and would love to get back out there. Sounds Good.

Andrew Shae

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Sounds like a good idea. I have fished Rose in the past, but never in the winter.

I can't be positive if I can make it, however.

In March we hit Flag Island again and head up to URL.

I would say pick a day and let's give it a go.

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Let's figure out a day where everyone can make it. Even if it's in the middle of the week for a few hours to catch the afternoon/evening bite would be fine. It doesn't have to be Rose, that was just a suggestion. I'm not sure how the after dark bite is on that lake for crappies anyway. Anyone have other suggestions?


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Are they having any luck on Franklin...or Sallie? Post why these would be good places so everyone can help decide...

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I dunno...I've always been under the impression that Franklin is one of the better crappie lakes in the area. Isn't there a special regulation coming soon to protect them from overharvest out there??

I've never targeted them much myself, but am willing to give it a try. It was just a suggestion.

Now that I think about it, I used to catch some big, black slabs by accident up on Buffalo Lake. I've heard reports of people that know what they're doing really getting into them up there too. So there's another suggestion. grin.gif Seriously though, you guys meet up wherever. There's only a slight chance I'd be able to make it anyway.

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Zelek --

You big chicken.

Come on let's show how we can fish in Hawley-wood. cool.gif

PS -- Don't throw me in jail, I know Zelek. Kind of. At least I drive through his yard with my sled. wink.gif

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They both sound good to me. Sallie can be good if you know where to go, are people driving on it? Never fished Franklin but I hear it has some good crappies as well. One problem with these get together is that no one wants to suggest a spot or lake they do well on for fear of it being over run. It's usually a good idea to fish a larger lake and make a plan on where to fish. Melissa has a good spot on the north end for crappies, but again, I don't know if it is drivable. We'll have to come up with a plan and find some fish, I would still like to fish Rose, we may not catch a darn thing but a lot of you could add another lake to your list. What about one day the weekend of the 10th, Saturday or Sunday is fine with me, how does that sound for everyone?


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someone mentioned in a post earlier about driving on Sallie. I don't know what ice thickness is though...

I'd suggest Sallie because it is close to me, I know there are nice fish in there and Sallie has not had many people fishing on it much the past couple years, so I don't think pressure will be much of a factor.

Just a suggestion....

BTW, Sunday 3/11 would work for me

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I'll have to bow out, Sundays don't work for me, I have open houses. But I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to the stories!!!!

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Dead --

That was me -- I made the suggestion. I too think Sallie would be a good option.

But if we go there don't blame me if we don't catch anything.

I think we can blame Dead Head. I think he takes all the Big Females and, like squirts all the stuff out of them. Those fishery guys, they are sick. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Just having a little sick fun at your expense, Dead. grin.gif

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I'll be there. I'll be the guy with twins boys running loose and trying to figure out some bait that will keep 10 inchers off the line and bigger ones on the line. grin.gif

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I actually don't have to milk the fish... but I do get to watch blush.gif

I supervise the construction crew so I don't have to do all the 'dirty work' with the fish... grin.gif

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Dead, If I can keep my tail off the sled I would like to hit Sallie -- you game?

I am not a big sled guy, but I think i am starting ... crazy.gif

Fishing is still number one, but when the fishing slows, the sled goes faster. grin.gif

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Dead, If I can keep my tail off the sled I would like to hit Sallie -- you game?

I am not a big sled guy, but I think i am starting ...

Fishing is still number one, but when the fishing slows, the sled goes faster.

Problem solved...mount your fishing gear on your sled! wink.gif

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I actually don't have to milk the fish... but I do get to watch

I supervise the construction crew so I don't have to do all the 'dirty work' with the fish...

When and where does a guy go to watch them milk the fish? I've never seen this done and would like to check it out.

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Scott in the spring go to Dunton Locks to see it done AKA fish hatchery on Sallie. It's kind of a cool process to see how they do it and if you can get lucky you can ask them when there not busy and have them explain the process of what they are doing.

On another note. What is the plan for the get together? I just found out that I am game for the first weekend aka this coming weekend. I guess were flying out on the 10th and wont be back till the 18th so if anyone is game for this weekend that would be great. Who is game for fishing this weekend? Lets pick a date and a spot and lets do it.


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I'll post a thread here when the Walleyes are making their spawning run and the Fisheries guys will be harvesting eggs.

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Has a final date been decided on when the get together will be? We were driving on long lake this past weekend so i would be sure we could drive on rose if we go out there. Pick a date and i will attempt to make it.

Andrew Shae

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My plan will be to show up this weekend cuz I'm not on call for work but there's another priority that can pop up at any time so I can't commit. My first grandkid is due on the 3rd! shocked.gifshocked.gif in Jamestown.

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