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Kab in july

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I have a week booked in the middle of july on kab and was wondering what to expect. I know the eye fishing is usually better in may and into june across most of the state, but I have never fished kab yet and was hesitant about going to early, esp with the last few cold springs we have had. I am going to be mainly targeting eyes, but I will fish for most species at one time or another in the year esp if the bite is on. I am guessing that the eyes will be out deeper by then. Is there a good bite near shore on this lake where the fish a caught rip-jigging or slip-bobbering? Thanks for any info

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Fish 1111,

The time frame you mention can be a very trasitional period, due to water temps. Generally the eyes will be on the reefs at 22' plus around then, and often times feeding on baitfish in shallower over a hump or sand/gravel bar that has current or wind comin at it.

Your method of rip jigging can sometimes be real effective, slip bobbering maybe in the weed patches for a weed walleye, but generally they are over slot.

I would probably think slip sinker rigs, with leeches or crawlers will be the #1 choice about then, or at least with me. I've done well trolling shad raps in the early evenings about that time frame as well. Watch for posts in the future, there will be some good info for you. guts

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fish1111, Guts has given you some good thoughts for that time of year. Generally, by mid-July the fish are on the reefs... I've pulled live bait rigs with leeches,crawlers, jig and minnow if on deeper spots on the reef, and also not uncommon for early morning and late evening for the fish to come up toward the tops of the reefs, and a good bet is to slip bobber them with leeches. Get a good map like Hot Spots that shows the reefs as there are many here on Kab.. Keep checking different reefs until you find them... Soometimes mid-July can be very good fishing for eyes. Hope that this helps!!!! Fishkab

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What about Smallie and Northerns in July? My wife and I are thinking of a mid July trip to Kab. We have never been there. The last few years we have hit Vermilion in the late summer.

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Tired,,, Sorry for a slow response, but the July time period can provide some excellent fishing for smallies and northerns. The smallies by this time can be still on the shorelines, but often it's time to start working the reefs and rockpiles out from the shoreline. Pike will be working the deep weed lines.. Find areas where the weedlines have deep water close by. they like to come up to feed and then have the deep water areas to hang in when not actively feeding. Hope that this helps. Give Kab a try, you'll like it here. Fishkab

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I am am also planning to visit Kab in July. Could anyone tell me anything about Pokorny Resorts? Is it a good place to take the family? How's the July fishing in that general area.

Thank in advance for the help!

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