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Ok -- I don't go fishing for three weeks and now I see like 30 shacks in a tine spot on Middle C -- What are you guys getting?

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See, if you'd pay attention to us...heehee! A few crappies, northerns, sunnies, thats all i've been catchin there. But havin fun anyway

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It's funny how one guy says he catches a limit of crappies and everyone moves in........too bad you guys aren't quite in the right spot....lol.

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I grew up on Middle C and it is quite phenomenal how after someone talks about bagging a few tiney crappies 30-40 houses go up. This has been a common occurance the last five years out there. What is interesting is you can go out there most of the summer and there is maybe 2 to 3 boats at any time out there.

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Wiggle --

I agree. You see it all the time. One guy on a site or at the bar lets somethign slip and boom, it is a boomtown. It is especially true when you think of really small lakes and ponds.

I used to catch a few small 'eyes on Silver. It is close to home and the kids could have some fun. I would NEVER eat them. Yuck.

Well, people started to find out, then evryone was on that small lake. Two years ago in the fall I saw like 15 boats trying not hit eachother on the west side. Pretty sad. Fished them out.

Now it is tough to find eyes in Silver.

People are really stupid. crazy.gif

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Hey hitman I dont know if it was covered. What do ya think of the new regs?? 1 over 20" I think it is great but I would also like to see a 3 fish limit on ALLLL lakes. I have no idea why people cannot not see consevation when they are fishing. Ohh my god the fish are biting on this small lake so and so and the next thing you know there are twenty boats out there keeping their limits every night. what a bunch of crap. Then they wonder why fishing is worthless the other 90 percent of the time they are out. I also hate meat horders, these guys I dont think even like the outdoors they simply go out to catch everything they can the a kind of like a cormorant, they destroy the lake. I don't see how they can even call themselves sportsman. I have ridiculed my dad and uncle enough in the last five years that they now understand why its important to let em grow and breed and breed and yep breed. If i can get my point across to these two stubborn swedes. Then why is it so hard for the other 80 percent of ???fisherman??? to throw a few back. This may piss a few people off but thats the way i see it a lake is a lake and when people that have never fished it before are taking their limits, wouldn't you feel kind of bad doing that to a lake.

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Fishin58 --

I am with you 100 percent. Since people can't control themselves, we need the DNR police to do it. It is sda that people would rather detroy a resource than control it.

I would suggest putting up a new post and getting everyone's 10 cents. I usually give $1.25. wink.gif

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I agree. Takes the "sport" right out of it... its good to know that there are a few of us that understand this...spread the word!!! Never know, might get thru to the other 99%!

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Speaking od 10 cents worth, any one ready to talk about your annual get together where you all show the newbies how to fish? wink.gif

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great idea.

I am all for it. Those Newbies ...

Say, who is going to show me how to fish? wink.gif

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I agree with what you guys are saying. The thing that makes me madder than you could imagine is when people take their 6 walleye limit, bring it home, and then go get another limit. I saw a guy do this three times on Turtle Lake a couple summers ago. My family and I caught about 30 walleyes in 2 hours, mostly 12" and put all of them back. He probably kept that same amount.

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GF --

I have heard the story before and it gets me very upset. Why is this topic so hard for some people. You catch fish, eat some and release the majority.

I caught a TON of 'eyes last spring summer and fall and I am NOT bragging.

I would say that we released about 75 percent of them. My kids love fish so I do take home more than I used to, but I get a great feeling putting them back in the water.

To me, realeasing a fish or passing on a nice 8 to 10 poniter is one of the hardest, yet rewarding things a hunter/fisherman can do.

There is my $1.25

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I agree completely. Take measurements and a bunch of pictures and get a replica if you really want a mount. Let those big females make more fish so you can catch them later.

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Unfortunately, it happens all the time. In the cities, the DNR occassionally closes small lakes because of "word" getting out on a good bite. The only thing we can do about it is use the TIPS number and make a call. I to do not like overharvesting, especially when possession laws are being disregarded. Nothing is wrong with keeping your limit or a big fish to mount, actually, large walleyes (6lbs and up) are not great spawners. Something about not all of the eggs being fertile. Deadhead could explain it better. Point is, keep what your allowed to if you want, and put the rest back and don't break possession laws. Most people don't even have a clue that there is a possession limit, just think they can keep their daily limit every day and throw it in the freezer to eat another day.

A get together is a great idea, I'll start a thread.


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I had never heard the fact about fish over 6lbs not being good spawners. Thanks for the info. Thats really interesting.

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I wouldn't say it's a fact, but I have heard that the 18-24 inch walleyes are the best spawners. It would be nice to get some confirmation on that as I don't know it to be fact, just what I've heard in conversation and read a few times.


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fisherdogg, I am from Wisconsin originally and I used to go ice fishing with my Dad in a lake with our cabin on it - we had a night spot right off of our cabin's shore that was dynamite for night tip up fishing. Anyways, my Dad would always get fysty when any one of us would even think about keeping an 18 - 24 incher - he would always say, "Those are the best spawners, toss em back now you hear!" Just thought I'd add that in there because my Dad heard it to be fact as well that the 18 - 24 inchers are the best spawners...

I went back to the old cabin and night fishing area this past December and just got after the walleyes again - nobody else in the lake even knows about this spot - we've had it for about 15 years now - pretty sweet for us I guess!

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F-Dog --

I have also heard that the fish up to 25 inches are the best spawners, but the jury is still out on how great thee 26inch and up are. It depends on who you talk to and which report you are reading.

Yeah, Dead Head may have the best info.

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I have heard that the 18-24 inch walleyes are the best spawners

that's basically an old wive's tale. I think the reason people think that is just due to the fact that there are more 18-24" inch fish in a given walleye population on a lake than others sizes. Therefore, there would be more spawning success in that size range because of the numbers. Viability of eggs has more to due on the environment and stress level of a fish rather than it's size or age. I've seen some 30"+ females produce over 2 quarts of eggs, and all looked like good quality viable eggs. On the other hand, you could get an 18" fish with poor viablity and very few eggs.

hope that helped clear things up.

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Point is, keep what your allowed to if you want, and put the rest back and don't break possession laws.

Peter hit the nail on the head

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I think there has been some good points made here and some a little off the wall. I want to try and help clear stuff up and sorry if I get some a little lost.

16-20 inch walleye probable about a 80% chance of it being a male.

24+ inch walleye probable a 95% chance of it being a female.

It is nice to see there are huge fish in the body of water but if there are no smaller ones in the lake reproduction levels must not be so hot in the lake.

Fact a walleye egg can only fertilized the first 5-10 seconds of being spawned out. After that the egg naturally produces a hard shell and the sp erm will not be able to penetrate the egg's wall.

So you can have the big pigs in the lake but if there are no males to be there when the eggs are spawned out there will not be any fry in the lake. But one of the most important factors in the lakes productivity in reproduction is the spawning grounds. If the spawning grounds are not adequate the eggs might get fertilized but because of a higher silt in the lake the egg will not be able to grow because it gets covered up on the bottom.

Even if that lucky egg does get fertilized and does not get covered up by sand or silt there are still those dang rough fish that will go around and feed on the eggs.

The odds are not in the favor of a fish to even become fry. The main point I have for writing this is not to lecture but to make people think twice about keeping that huge fish but also I want people to think of this. Why keep a limit of fish if to only come home and freeze it? Catch enough for a meal and have fun with the extra ones splashing you in the face as you lean over the edge of the boat telling them to grow up or have a nice day. Don't get me wrong I like to say I caught a limit of fish but we need to start thinking about our future before the DNR starts getting involved and mandating rules and regulations.

I personally wouldn't mind a state wide slot limit like the one's on the pine lake chain but I think if enough of us start releasing the small ones and only keeping 2/3 fish per trip we would not be tapping out resources as quickly.

Hopefully I didn't preach a sermon to a blind congregation. Last thing I would like to mention...SD has a law that when you keep a fish you can't release it back. Wouldn't mind that one crossing the river. If your going to keep a fish keep it don't keep it in the livewell all day and then at the end of the day releasing it back into the lake.

Thanks for your time in reading this one.


PS> Shae did I state any facts wrong? Can't remember everything J. Lo told us. Correct me if I am wrong. tongue.gif

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I made it out on middle today for about 4 hours.....(2) 10"

crappies....(3) small slimers.....(8-10) average bluegills and I caught my first walleye on middle this winter...18"er......which is back in the lake for one of you guys to catch.

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Code --

You should write a book. You could use code man as your pen name. wink.gif

yeah, I agree with a lot of what you said. I just don't get what the big deal of catching a limit is. Other then, "Honey, I caught a limit," ... "That's nice, did you take out the trash?"

Or, "Hey buddy, I caught a limit," ... "Sit down, I can't see the girls."



Keep up the good info Code.

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