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Color Blind Flasher



Alright heres my situation. I realized the other night that 3 color flashers aren't the easiest tool for me. I am color blind and between the red and green, had troubles picking up on some things. Does anybody know a flasher with a variety of colors from this or another possible solution for me. Thanks

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3 answers to this question

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Well, you could get like a used Zercom which only has one color or check out the Lowrance Ice Machines. I have one, and you can manipulate the colors in a bunch of different ways that might help you to distinguish things.

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I've had several color blind people tell me that they could see all three colors on my MarCum LX-3tc. You should stop at a local sporting goods outlet and verify that it works for you as well.

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I am considered red/green color blind by the doc. I recently saw a Vex converted for a buddy with the same problem. He received purple/blue changes. To tell you the truth, that was just as painful as the normal option. I've learned the flasher changes on my vex to identify close fish way more than the color. Funny thing is, no matter which unit I would own, I will probably never realize the benefits of color on flashers like the majority of you will. I do see changes in the flasher when fish come close enough to change my focus on my rod tip vs. watching the unit. In a weird way, that makes me a hybrid of today's techno fisherman...I rely on the unit to show me fish, but I still need to watch to rod (quicker than others) to know if I'm getting bit.

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