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a little help please


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For opener, I’ll be staying at the Big Bog State Park. I see there is a boat landing on the Tamarack River. Will I be able to launch from there & get out onto URL


Thanks for any help laugh.gif

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URL is less than 5 min. from Big Bog ramp. I hope you have a reservation--Big Bog is totally booked for the opener.

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yes we have the reservations, didn't take long to fill up shocked.gif I'm glad to here about the landing, didn't want to worry about finding a place to park at a public landing.

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I was trying Sat morning to make a reservation for May 19/20, I called the 800 reservation number at 7:01 (you can't reserve the first day until 7AM) by the time I got thru to a real person at 7:12, all the spots on the river were full and I was lucky to get one in the back row. When I asked how it filled so fast, and how many people they had manning the phone, she commented that most were taken by internet reservations, so if you don't have a high speed connection, you're screwed.

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We have reservations for May 20th & 21st in sites 15 & 16, stop by & say HI grin.gif

we are looking for a place to stay friday night May 19th, if anyone has any ideas that would help out alot shocked.gif

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