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Bison hunt


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I'm interested on a S.D.Bison hunt next winter.Anyone had any experience doing this?I'm not interested in a trophy hunt,just a good meat cow or calf.Free range,no canned hunt.Anyone know any places to go?Thanks.

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I thought I heard some rumblings a while ago about a bison hunt in Yellowstone. I can't remember what the year was going to be but I thought 2006. Those beasts would be pretty used to people though.

They certainly make for some good eating.

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I think you might find a free-range hunt a bit harder to come by. I can think of a few places in Illinois and Iowa to do a pen "hunt," but SD might be one of the few places where you can hunt them in the open. I had a buddy do it in ND as well, but I'm pretty sure that was a penned hunt as well. I wish I could give you more information, but if you could get in on a Yellowstone hunt, I'd tell you where to go. I lived out there for awhile, and the bison are a nuisance out there. A very dangerous nuisance. Good luck, and let us know what you find!


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Most butcher shops carry bison meat.

Probably a better route than shooting a penned animal. Save your time and money for the real thing. Try caribou up north, etc.......

The only "real" bison hunts would probably be in SD's Custer State Park. Not sure if they hold hunts for Bison (they do elk) - also may have a SD residency requirement.

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Check with some of the various reservations. I saw a program on the Outdoor Channel a while back in which a fellow was chasing bison with a native guide. Maybe I'm just gullible, but that hunt looked more like an actual hunt than a pen shoot. The bison roamed over a very large area, and the hunting was spot and stalk.

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I've heard both sides of the story. That shooting a buffalo is like shooting a fish in a barrel because its usually in a pen. But then I've heard those who've said it was the toughest hunt of their life - usually by archery - crawling on their hands and knees through the grass trying to get within 40 yards of one bull.

That said, I think you can get a good impression fairly quickly by the way the hunt is described by the outfitter - if they're within a tall fenced in areas or roaming hundreds or thousands of acres.

I'd second the reservation idea. I've explored this idea myself and here is a link to one hunt on a reservation - gun only.


And here is a link to an outitter that offers bufflo hunts. Don't have any firsthand experience with him other than I responded to a post of his on another hunting site for SD mulies and that he has many reputable references - some of whom have their own tv shows.


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I'm quite sure there is a free ranging bison herd in Utah, the Henry Mtn area. Believe its a once-in-a-lifetime hunt option there - not sure how long it would take to draw.

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Did you try posting on the South Dakota forum?

Also, the latest American Hunter(NRA) magazine had an article on bison hunting, haven't read it yet, but might be helpful for ya.

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I know a guy that raises Buffalo in the very Northwest part of North Dakota. He will turn one loose for you to shoot if you want. The meat cut and wrapped now is the same price as Beef. If you wish I could get his number for you. Call me at 1 406 385 2223 ask for Cliff

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