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Dish Network Question

Walleye Guy


I subscribe to Dish Network at my home. I have four TV's hooked up to two boxes that allow us to watch different programs on all four TV's. My question is this. Is it possible to buy a second dish and install at it my cabin and bring one of the boxes back and forth between home & cabin? I am sure it is possible but does Dish Network allow it? I don't want to pay for a second subscription and it would be nice to be able to watch the Twins, Wolves and Wild when the weather isn't conducive to outdoor activities.

Does anybody do this? Where can you buy a second dish without the box?



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YES you can thats what most of the guys are doing on their fishhouses and i do know that there are lots of antenneas hanging around i actually have one in my basement not in use and i know i am not the only one.

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You can bring a receiver back and forth. We did it for several years between our cabin and house in town, then bought another receiver. Dish recently notified us that we need a separate account (double the money)or call and change the service from one location to the other every weekend. They did say we could bring the receiver back and forth without additional cost as an option, but they were obviously pushing to sell another account.

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I have the spare dish in my possession. Now I need to install it. Anybody have a good way of calculating/measuring the Azimuth, Elevation and skew angles?

Thanks is advance.


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If you have service already just call them and they'll tell you what to set it at. I think you have to give them your zip code so they know right were you are..

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I did not phrase my question very well. I went to the Dish Network website and I have the three angle numbers. I need to know whatis the best way to measure and apply the numbers. Can I just use a compass and a level or is there more to it than that?

I am also unsure why there is three numbers. On the surface it seems like I am dealing with two planes and not three.



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If you look at the base of the dish, there is numbers on it those are what your setting it to. Just find southwest and point it. I did one for a friend and he sat inside looking at the TV. on the dish signal channel, and I hit the satellite right away. He hasn't lost it yet..

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I was thinking of using my extra reciever for the fish house, but will it run off of an inverter. My next problem would be I need another dish.

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I am also unsure why there is three numbers. On the surface it seems like I am dealing with two planes and not three.

You need the correct Elevation, azimuth "land direction" and tilt the tilt helps the elipital dish pick up 3 different satelliteS.

Do you know if you have a round dish with 1 lnb or oval dish with 3 lnb. It would help to know, how long have you had Dishnet.

Do you have a clear view of the south southwest where the satellites are located....trees can be a problem.

First off you will need a plumb "level" sturdy mast.

I have my "mobile" dish mounted on a peice of wood.

You may have yours mounted to the Cabin in any case a sturdy plumb "level" mast is important.

Next you will set your elevation probably 32 0r 34 degrees there will be a mark on your dish where you can set it.

You can get the exact Azimuth "land direction" and elevation and tilt from your Dishnetwork receiver.

Next with your compass aim the dish at the 119 degree slot, like Scum said it is towards the south south/west your compass will show this direction.

Move the dish from side to side until you pick up a signal get the strongest signal you can and if it's not in the 75 to 85 signal strength range adjust your elevation up or down until you have a good signal tighten all nuts and bolts.

Good Luck....Dishnet does not care nor will they know about your arrangment UNLESS you tell them in which case they will want to charge you for another account.....So don't tell them.

Good Luck.

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I was thinking of using my extra reciever for the fish house, but will it run off of an inverter. My next problem would be I need another dish.

Yes I run my receiver with an inverter I use a 13" color and it runs a long time on a marine battery.

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I have a round dish with two LNB's. I assembled the dish tonight and think I will be able to figure it out now that I have looked at it as an assembled unit. The three measurements was confusing me until I thought about the curvature of the earth factor. I should have a pretty straight shot to the southwest as I am on the north side of our lake and our lot rises towards the cabin from the lake.

Thanks for the advice. I will let you know how it goes.

Also. If you are looking for a place to get the extra dish I picked one up at Digital Entertainment in Eden Prairie for $149. I have no idea if that is a good deal or not but I figure its a great additional cost for satellite TV at two places.

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ouch $149 i would have sold you the one i have in my basement for alot less than that. but i am happy you have it figgered out. hopefully the fish will be biteing so much you wont have time to use it in the cabin heheheh . paul

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