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Monday or Wednesday???


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Anyone going upto the lake on Monday or Wednesday of this upcoming week(19 or 21)? Was thinking of tryin to get up there since I have both days off, but don't really know the lake that well. Would be nice to meet up with someone. I don't own a sled or a four wheeler so it would be nice to hook up with someone (especially for that reason) to save an extremely long walk and maybe get out to a few of the better spots on the lake. I would fish all day on Monday, but would have be off the lake by about 4 p.m. on Wednesday.

If no one is going up, any suggestions as to where to go, maybe some place that is letting small SUV's out? I have a Jeep Cherokee that I am able to fit my portable in and all my gear.


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Hi PGA Guy,

I get up to Mille Lacs quite often. I am usually fishing the southeast corner a.k.a. Vineland Bay and flats out from there. I have a permanent house but also like to get out in the portable to get away from the crowds. If you are interested in going sometime we could probally set something up. Or I could give you some info on the good spots to go. By the way what course are you at? My brother-in-law is a A1 pro also.

Good Luck, Mark

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I can't do it this week but next time you want to go up PM me I'll give you my cell #. I have a ATV. And just about every other ice gadget ever invented. We have been doing really well on the flats. Q

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Thanks for all the replies everyone, unfortunately, with work being busy and not much time left before the holidays, I spent both my days off this week doing the shopping thing. It is nice to be done though! With that said, I was not able to get up to Mille Lacs this week so I have no fishing reports to speak of, but after the first of the year, I will definitely be making the trip. Hunting4Walleyes, I work down in the Cities at Edina C.C.



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