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ticket / peltier lake


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i was just wondering if any one got any parking tickets off of peltier lake by old mill road i was one of them and i think there was ten other cars???? mad.gif

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There were lots of cars there yesterday.....What did you get it for? I do not recall seeing any "no parking" signs??? ...Maybe everyone that got a ticket tried to use that line also???

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on the right side of the rode is no parking and on the left u can park but the cars were on the left but they were just facing the other way there were many angry people that got them.... i guess the cops have nothing better to do then pick on ice fisherman.

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Wow! That stinks! I was just there last weekend facing the other way on the left side and no ticket. Very odd that they would ticket for that...

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ya like i said though i think the people that live on the lake get angry that we park our cars there so they call the cops and who ever is facing that way they give them a ticket so just a tip for every one that fishes there to park the right direction......another crazy thing i saw was a guy drive his s 10 or ford ranger some small truck he drove out on the lake pertty crazy and dumb

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For some reason to police are strict about that in Centerville. I was building a house in Centerville and the police stopped by our jobsite and told us if our vehicles were not turn around everyone was getting tickets. Not enough crime around there to keep them busy I guess.

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You also have to watch when coming around the two lakes the cops love to sit there with there little guns and get you for speeding. also remember the cops dont want to work over christmas so they need to get there quotas now so the eat doughnuts over christmas HAHAHA smile.gif

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Cops don't have quota's, and if your speeding you should get a ticket, and if you cant read the no parking signs you shouldn't drive. IMO

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Over my dead body they dont!!!!!

One of good friends works for the Anoka County Sherriff

I have found some things out about cops in the inter city here

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Whatever...the point still is if your speeding or parking illegally then don't whine when you get a ticket.

Maybe I'm not understanding the situation, but why do people park facing the wrong way? Can't you just turn around and park properly?

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You seem to be the only one yelling. Everyone is welcome to express thier opinion. So let's all just take it easy. No reason for getting your undies in a bunch. grin.gif

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I was going to try and catch up with goinfishing later today. I thought I had his number but when I got the new phone I must not have transfered it. Did he say what time he was going to be there? Anyways, lots of excuses today, football, cookies and everyone knows the fish bite better on weekdays. How come your not out?

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Fishking, in case you where wondering here is the definition to "inner city" inner city


"The usually older, central part of a city, especially when characterized by crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate."

Centerville-peltier does not fit that catagory, and metro does not mean inner city.

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well if we have to park the right way then im guessing the houses on the lake are goin to put up private drive on there drive ways so no one keeps pullin into there drive way and park the right direction.

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well if we have to park the right way then im guessing the houses on the lake are goin to put up private drive on there drive ways so no one keeps pullin into there drive way and park the right direction.

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Please...you can't spare the extra couple minutes it might take to turn around at the water works or even the public access? crazy.gif If you know the neighbors are keeping thier eye on the area, then why even give them an excuse to call the police.

Good Luck

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