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Went to Washington this afternoon and was very pleased.The ice was a little slushy for about the first 30 yards with some snow and after that the walking was very easy.The ice depth was approx 5.5 inches,maybe 6 in some spots where I checked.

The fishing today was about the same as the other day with a limit of pannies on a shrimpo in white,size 10,and used blue,pink and green with no luck.I tipped the jig with a small waxie or tore one in half.I fished in 10 ft of water.Also picked up 3 very nice crappies about 4 and didnt stay any longer.All the fish were tight to the bottom with no suspended ones.Only bad thing about today was you had to really watch your spring bobber or you missed the bite. Many times when I went to jig the bait There was a fish hanging on and I didnt know,very,very light bite.Thats all I know for now and good luck this weekend.There was no water coming up the hole after drilling. It was pretty cold sitting out in the open today.

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When we head out fishing on January 13 you won't be cold... we'll be sitting in a Magnum Lodge cool.gif

Nice report! Sounds like you got some good ones today!

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And here I though you young guys were tuff, How can you run and gun setting in a otter, last winter the croppies never really schooled up on german, they spooked real easy, catch a few out of a school and they would move out, better bring a quart milk jug , they go down a 6 in, hole for more water, and your vex , you can find them thru the ice. wink.gif

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Went out as well yesterday afternoon. Pulled 60 or so sunnies through the hole, mostly 6-7 inchers with an occasional 8-9. The white number 6 ratso is what performed well for me tipped with a waxie...also had the bobber trimmed so that the tip was just above the water surface. I had just purchased some spring bobbers on the way out to the lake, unfortunately I didn't check the sizing and they were too small for my rods. We fished 9 foot of water and the fish were all caught tight to the bottom. All in all it was a fun day to be out on the lake...luckily it was in a shack. Also, we found 7 inches of good ice with little slush on top.

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Must be that new LX3 you got. Crappie Tom says the upgrade is well worth it. I will have to check it out. How did you know about the upgrade for the old version?


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Went out of the north shore access Sunday morning. Slushy by shore, but decent ice a little further out. Fished in 10-11 FOW. Approx 6 inches ice (didn't measure).

Friend and I caught about 60 sunnies in the 7 inch range. A little small for us so they went back. I had a yellow shrimpo waxie and he was using a Marmooska eurolarva. Some were hangers and some smacked it. Didn't move around to seach. It was cold and we had a heater problem (darn themocouple). frown.gif

A couple 4-wheelers out a little deeper.

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Found out about the upgrade through my bud Tyler (staff roch. forum). Sounds like a heck of an upgrade, may have to save up a few pennies and get it done before the ice is off this year.

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Good report! Glad to see the new LX-3 "panned" out for you. I just got a box in the mail that said St. Croix. Look out light bitting pannies.

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Fishing today was just like the others,2 guys-two limits sunnies.Crappies must have moved a little deeper,as not so many in 10fow today.Drilled 7 holes with approx 9 inches deep per hole.Used the camera and looked down below and sunnies everywhere and no crappies,time to hit the deep hole and breakline on third point I believe.

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Harvey---Have the fish started to move deeper on the north access? I think it would be any day they might move deeper with the snow on the ice and the lose of oxygen(I might be totally wrong too). I can't get out til after X-mas cause I got to work all week. Well any info would be appreciated.

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The sunfish are still pretty loaded in shallow,around 9-10fow as I have had very good luck at that depth. The crappies were doing well there but the last trip not much for crappies. Now along with that I have not fished past 4pm so they may be biting a little later. Last trip out the other day I took my camera along and did a little looking. I saw alot of sunfish but no crappies and I looked in 6 different holes. I personally believe they have moved a little deeper towards third point. I will say there are alot of green weeds on the bottrom in 8-10fow as I was scouting with the camera. Iam going out soon and iam going to fish past sunset to see if I can find those little devils.I will report my findings when I get back from my next outing on Wed. or Thursday.

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harvey lee

9" of ice? How much of that would you estimate is "good" ice? Sounds better than a week or two ago. Have you seen guys walking out to 3rd point and have you seen any atv's out there yet? I don't have an atv, but was just curious as to what kind of pedestrian traffic you're seeing and how much traveling around the lake people are doing. I'm either heading out this weekend or next weekend (or both). Was suppose to be out in CA to spend Christmas with the wife's folks, but daughter threw up the night before we were to depart, so now we're home and I just as well take advantage of the holiday weekend.

Thanks in advance for the info.


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When I measures it on Monday with a tape there was at least 7 inches of great ice,2 inch layer that looked pretty good and then the snow on top. Yes,some are using thier 4-wheeler as I am. There were a few people fishing off third point on Monday,but I didnt see anyone off second. There were also people in Mud Bay and a few also on Bakers bay in the deep hole. I have only used my 4-wheeler as far out as half way to third point but tommorrow will probably go to the 25-40 range off the point.

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