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Accident ???

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I was downtown Hutch tonight at 5:00 and all of a sudden sirens were coming up behind me. I pulled over to let the cop go by and it was their pickup rigged with thier boat. I believe it was thier search and rescue boat. Now why would a city cop be crusing around with a boat this time of year if he did not intend on using it? If any of you know anything about this let us know. Thatnks and goodluck

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just wasnt going fast enough,, you can ride on just water if you go fast,, probably freaked and slowed down to turn around

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The guys on the firecrew didn't work today so I didn't get a chance to ask them. I saw a guy riding a motorcycle on the lake in town near the da m a few days ago. Must have had good, spiked tires.

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It is not an "accident" when people like these fall through the ice...it is merely the "id-iot herd" thinning themselves out!! crazy.gif

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I can all but guarantee that was my good fishing buddy with the dirtbike.. maybe not though he didn't ride all summer,, mainly because he didnt want to swap out his studds and riding in the winter is much less likely to lay you up,, ,,,,

once again,, only if you are comfortable with you skill level,,, and luck

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The snowmobiler is fine. I heard the fire crew that pulled it out rapped the ski and trailing arm around on it. They dropped it off at his house and told him he didn't have to pay for them to get it out because they busted it up. He was snowmobiling pretty close to the dam where the ice is very thin. Not sure why he was so close to the dam.

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just heard today that the ice all around the hole was 4" thick,,, must have hit a spot where the ice was thin from the current...

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