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Worst Fishing/Outdoor Gifts

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Now that it is the Holiday season, I feel that we could all share the worst or even the best fishing/outdoor gifts that we have ever recieved over the years. Helicopter lure, the Banjo Minnow, the Popiel Pocket Fisherman? Lets hear the best and worst from the Ghosts of Christmas Past.

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Hey I use the Bajo Minnows all the time they are awesome. There isn't a freshwater fish I havn't caught on them.

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I got a bobber one year that was supposed to be able to hook the fish by itself. Why you would want a bobber that hooks the fish for you is another topic. That thing was so big that I am not sure that a musky could have pulled it under. The mechanism was too tight for the fish to release it and the spring constant was not strong enough to hook a small perch if it did actually pop. But... I was 5 and thought it was cool so I insisted on using the stupid thing and watched my dad and his friends catch lots of fish while I just had to re-bait all day. Of course, not too many 5 year olds have a good grasp of physics.

My bad on the banjo reference. Never used one, just thought the guy on the infomercial was a little too excited and I dont believe that hype too much anymore. See self hooking bobber above. laugh.gif

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