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Pittsburgh -3


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It is hard to believe the steelers are only -3. It should be -7. It shouldn't matter if Big Ben is playing with one arm or two. The running game and defense of the Steelers is worth 20 points and I don't see the Vikings scoring anything more than 10 points. I would like to see the Purple win but the chances are slim.

Vikings - 13

Steelers - 24

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Little Ben and the old Bus are going to get shut down this week. The Purple defense is more than ready for the Steelers. Bring on the Steeler blitz, K. Robinson, N. Burleson, and "Mr. Tough Guy", J. Wiggins are going to have a big game.

Viking - 31

Steelers - 17

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I'd say its gonna be more like 20-17, not saying which way though. It'll come down to whoever gets the "gift" call (or no call) from the officials.

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I think this game is either a Steeler blowout or it goes down to an Edinger last minute kick for the win, I just don't know which.

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I concur with LD. If we can stop the run, they will have to pass, which is what we want. Their D will shut us down too I bet. I'm thinking like 13-10.

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I think Sandbar has really hit one! 31-17 Queens?

More like Steelers by, at least 14 if not 21.


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Vikings 21 Pitt 10 if I'm right I'll claim bragging rights if I'm wrong no one will notice grin.gif

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Steelers by 14 or 21? No, no, no. You are thinking Atlanta by 14 or 21 over those stinking Bears. The Vikings will beat the Steelers Sunday. The old bus is broken down, little Ben is WAY over rated, and the Purple defense will dominate this game. We'll talk Monday when the games are in the books.

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More like Steelers by, at least 14 if not 21.


Windy, you realize they are NOT playing the Bears again this week right? tongue.gif

Just because they beat up the Bears (Bettis running right over Urlacher for a TD) doesn't mean they will be able to do the same on the turf. I know your guessing with your heart and not your head so I'm OK with your prediction.

Love Boat boys 20

Iron City 13

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Put it this way, blower,oops I mean windy, if the vikings pull even with you,"Da bears". This weekend,time to sweat cause when the last game in the dome comes, your done.

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Are you out there???

Help me out here, cause you Queenie's are much smarter at rithmatic up there in The Land Of 10,000 Lakes but last time I checked, the number 15 was somewhere between 14 and 21? Let me know if your math adds up the same way mine does down here in the Windy cause the way it adds up here is the Monsters of The Midway are the NFC Division Champs 2005!

Remember, don't mess with the Bull boys (or the Bear) cause you will get the horns! You can call me Windy or you can call me The Great Carnac!


Good luck on the "bubble" cause that's the only place the Queenie's will be this year.

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Now Sandbar,

Sorry to interrupt you. You were saying about the Falcons doing what to the Bears? Go ahead, continue.

Jigging, sorry to cut you off. Go ahead and tell me about how the Queens are going to pull even with the Bears, reminds me of everybody telling me how the Twinkies and Injuns were going to pull even with the World Series Champion (God I love saying that) Chicago White Sox.

Any of you guys catch any football tonight? He He He.

My favorite quote during the game was one of the announcers saying, "They better stop this game before somebody gets killed out there"! Is there a harder hitting team in the NFL? I don't think so! They have not allowed 10 points in a game in 6 games now which is a record that goes back 70 years to the 1935 Packers and now...GROSSMAN IS BACK! Thanks for keeping the seat warm, Kyle, now take a seat on the bench and let Mr. Grossman lead us to the promised land.



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Sorry there Windy, didn't get to a computer until this morning. It was a bad weekend for football, for us Viking fans. The Purple offense was terrible yesterday, the defense played pretty well, but 10 penalties in the first half was rediculous. It's going to be pretty tough to catch the Bears, but, anything can happen. It's time to cheer for the Pack next week.

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All I can do is come up with excuses excuses excuses.... two turnovers in the redzone = lost points ~ anywhere from 6 to 14 and a blocked horribly kicked Field Goal = 3 more lost points.... If I do that hypothetical math I see a Vikes possible win... but Brad played like Duante in the red zone today and Pittsburgh took advantage of Vikes mistakes.... I will say our Defense played a very good game with the exception of two or three plays we shut them down good. It was much different when the Steelers played Chicago... they just crammed it down their throats all day long. oh well same result a loss. shocked.gif

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I'm a Packer fan and with not much to cheer for this year I found myself cheering for the bears to win last night. Just dont want to see the love boat crew make the playoffs. The bears defense is just blowing people up. But I'm yelling at this horrible QB they have. I was calling for Grossman, and bang he comes out the second half. He's so much better then Orton, just how long before he gets hurt again? Now next week I will be rooting for the Pack of course. Maybe the Pack can put up a little fight, doubt it.

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Tough game for the Vikes this Sunday. The defense played well enough to win. Our defense is playing like a top 5 defense. The offense really let down as they came away with 3 points on a day when the defense held them in the game.

All the purple can do now is get on the Bret Farve bandwagon and watch the Packers - Bears game in hopes of a meaningful regular season finale.

Packers - 17

Bears - 13


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Hey Sandbar and Buzz,

Way to "Cowboy Up" and take your lumps. You know I was just funnin' ya'll. I would have probably been the last person to think the Bears would be where they are at, playing the way they are, but I will be the first whooping and hollering all the way to the playoffs. I had them pegged for about a 6-10 to 8-8 season but the way the defense is playing, they could go pretty far. I am guessing all the way to the big dance, but look for them to go home with the step sister instead of the prom queen. But hey, who'd a thunk they would make it that far! Anyway, nice game by the Cheese Heads huh? Should be easy pickins next week for my "Shufflin' Crew". DA BEARS!

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Wow! I don't know how the Pack are going to step up against the Bears this week. Old Bert Favre looked great throwing his league leading 24th interception last night. Bwahahahaha. I especially liked the one pick where BErt was going to get sacked, he ducked his head and "lofted" the ball into triple coverage. Bwahahahaha. Please Bert, please, don't retire, the Purple fans would love to see you play a few more years. grin.gif

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