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Wayzata Bay Access


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Was wondering if anyone can direct me to a place to walk onto Wayzata Bay. I know of the dead end road by the Yacht Club, but I understand there is no parking there. If anyone can give me a place to park that would be appreciated. Looking forward to chasing some eyes.


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Thanks for info. Do you know one of the road names around there or which direction that is from the Yacht Club.

Thanks, Justin

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There is also plenty of parking down at the beach, just follow lake street west all the way to the Depot, take a left, then right past the ols boat works. There is a few shacks close to shore, but I would go out at least half way up the shore away from where anyone else is, pick 20-30 FOW and try your luck. Always been able to get an eye or two out of there every year, especially early like this.

Good luck grin.gif

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I plan to walk from the beach to Breezy starting at about 3 PM. Anybody want to join me, let me know. I have to wait for momma to come home, so I'm a bit variable in time. Will show you one of my favorite breaks.


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Ice i have never met you but i am thinking about trying my hand at Minnetonka today and wouldnt mind meeting someone new. I have all my gear ready......

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Tony, anybody, looks like I'm a go, hoping to get going around 3 from the beach in WB, or (if the ice permits) I'll be in the Breezy Point area by prime time jigging walleyes. More the merrier. Got some tasty waypoints. I'll be wearing my blaze bibs, down coat, bomber hat, pulling a small black tub, carrying my cell 763 232 1400. Given that it's early yet, I'd love to have some company to play it safe.



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That is funny i think i saw you getting ready in the parking lot. I was in the grey 4Runner. I dont think i could have made it out that far i just about had a heartattack pulling that Yukon by myself. I didn have any luck either. How did you do?

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No heart attack, no walleyes either, and I won't have to ride the bike for a few days. I got all the way out to Breezy. I was curious about the ice, for good reason. It starts to get iffy out there though another subzero night should do it. NO pressure ridges or serious flaws in the ice cover, but it does start to thin out. It was cold. Had several sniffers, but no joy, even on the lucky rainbows.


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I was out there yesterday as well, just a little further out from the small group of perms & portables. Goose egg for me, not even a lousy perch. I had a loaded Fish Trap and just about died pulling it out there and off. I'm seriously thinking about downsizing.

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I went out around Excelsior yesterday and nothing went right. Slush stuck to the bottom of my sled and it got to the point that I could not move it. I had to make a few trips carrying out the heavier items by hand so I could drag the sled. The auger was not running right and the break that I found on the map that I wanted to be on was occupied. I did have a couple bites and a few sniffers but nothing on the ice. They looked like they were smaller fish.

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