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how have you guys done with the full moon on yotes and fox. went out monday night. called in 3 fox out of 5 or 6 spots. they all survived though... one caught our wind. one got missed and one hung up. probly because we know there are coyotes there. going tonight if the wind doesnt pick up. saw lots of them during muzzleloader so things are looking up. just curious on how everybody else is doing.

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I am hunting not too far from you around Ulen, Mn. I am hopeing it clears out this weekend then we are going to give hunting a little try. Saw a couple over muzzleloader and saw a couple just driving around. Now that the yotes are out of the corn fields I am looking to bust one with the .223. I do have one question is that, do u use the electronic call or mouth calls. We have both but we like the sound of the mouth call better than the electronic, I was just wondering which one you use.

Andrew Shae

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Thats strange. I own a 99 silverado plus I am going out hunting tonight to try out my new JS digital caller. Weird!

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hey Andrew i an sure you know who i am. used to play ball with you and Otto. think hard throwing lefty. we use electronic at night most of the time, because of the no moving around and more time to look around. tough to see some night you know. i like the mouth call better, can vary it more. but it takes lots of calling to get good ad stay good. called my first one in this year with the mouth call.but had to stop calling to get tured around and he stopped farther than i wanted but still flat out missed him. oh wellsaw one in the snow storm last night. had to turn aroud and give him one. hope tonight n tommorow night are nice, ight have to pull an all nighter. saw a few in a silver 99 s-10 during muzzleloader. crazy huh. good luck tonight.

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7 sets so far with no response.Mange has all but decimated the Red's in my part of the state for the past several years.Coyotes are up but sure miss the fox around here,especially with two boy's finally getting of age to hunt.

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I went back home for Christmas this weekend and had a chance to hunt with the boys. Friday night my dad, brother, a buddy and I called under the moon. We split up and sure enough my brother and his buddy called one in and shot it.

Saturday morning our group shot two coyotes. Today they shot 7...that's right, 7! If we keep getting snow, I'll bet they will have a 100 coyote year.

My god I miss that!!!

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Is it pssible to get a coyote to respond calling from a vehicle then go to set up on them?? Just curious to see how everyone does it.

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I wouldn't call from a vehicle because if there is a yote near by they will pick up on that and just get educated to calling. besides I call alot in the pierz area, and i dont need anybody else educating them. joking and good luck.

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We will locate coyotes at night that way. Pull over, shut the truck off and wait for 10 minutes. Get out and howl a few times and see if any respond. If so, that area might be a good place to start in the morning.

The next full moon, I plan on making my stands much closer to road rather than making all of that noise walking in. The last coyote we called in at night, we parked the truck over the hill, came back and sat against a telephone pole. Coyotes are not afraid of the road at night.

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Just an FYI - A co-workers brother and a bunch of his friends get together several times a year to hunt Yotes.

They drive small wood plots and sink hole areas. 2 weeks ago the got 12 out of 15 Yotes they put up.

I saw the pics and what a site to see 12 laying in a row.

There usual is 5 - 6 a weekend so 12 was exceptionally good.

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Yep, you are right on Foot! I have been trying to get my SD buddies to believe it can be done! All it takes is a dedicated crew and a little team work.

This year the crew back home has 31 coyotes so far. In 2001 we shot our first coyote in late December. We ended up with 71 (shot 5 more after pic). Last year they had only about a month of good snow and ended up with 35.

A guy can call coyotes until he's blue in the face and shoot a few, but if you really want to kill a bunch, put a good group of guys together.

Sorry, I posted this picture awhile back, but I feel it is a great example of what a team can do. Here is our group from 2001. We had about 10 guys that hunted hardcore, the rest filled in once in awhile.


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Rost, excellent.

I have never gotten in to varmit hunting but pics like this make me think I should be giving it a try.

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Lee, you kinda have to narrow it down there are two of you but if anything i would say it is Chris, but i really don't know. Yeah, i was going to go out last weekend, but studying for finals took up most of my time. So i am hoping to go out next weekend and during the week over break.

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So that's where they all went,I'm from Wadena and there aint snit around here.A few yotes but you need dogs to get em up.

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