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There goes any hope for good ice this season

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Hey eye's, There is a few of us FMers residing in L.P. Where are you at. I park my jeep on Hickory south.... What lakes do you spend most of your time on?


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Fever- I am on Juniper S.. Most of the winter I fish a majority of the lakes in the tri-county area: carver, McLeod, and Wright. I also fish Mary and Ann religously.Mainly after the walleye's but i cant resist the panfish either. With school, work, and the snow havent got a chance to get out yet. Have you, any luck?

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Only been out once. Hit Waconia. Caught around 20 or so sunnies. Most pretty small though. Zero Crappies, and a couple decent perch. Was out at a non peak time though. Around 2:30 to 5:15pm. Had to get home to help with the kids. Was planning on getting out thursday eve and Friday but came down with a pesky little sore throat. Feeling better today but have to go x-mas shopping with the wife. Maybe tonight if I play my cards right. If not tonight for sure tomorrow early am. I am thinking Ann, Eagle or Waconia. Haven't made my mind up yet. Still haven't heard anything about Ann. Heard some bad reports about Eagle but those reports are coming from my students and they probably don't know what they're doing... I drive by Eagle on my way to school and frequently see 10-15 portables out there daily. smirk.gif

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