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Sox doing it again.....acquire Vazquez

Commanche Jim

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Sox sent El Duque, Vizcaino, and a prospect to Arizona for Vazquez, and we got about $5 million in cash. In case you all didn't know about Vazquez.....he wants to be close to puerto rico.............so you watch, Vazquez and Uribe will be traded to Baltimore......for guess who??????

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I assume you mean the strikeout king, can't move runners over ever guy unless it's on a HR.... who corks his bats and takes 'roids and hops around like he's on crack??? Am I warm? I hope your right cuz he's lost it brotha from another motha. grin.gif

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All I can say is : If management believed their team was world championship worthy, they would "tweak" weak spots, not make wholesale changes. Maybe they are smarter than I give them credit for. They know how LUCKY they really were!

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Soldon, where have they made wholesale changes to this point?

They've lost 1 position player, their 6th starter, and 2 so-so relievers and added Thome, Vazquez and Makowiak..........I wouldn't exactly call it a fire sale. I would call it "the team that made the best moves in MLB during the off-season!"

Also, I wouldn't call an 11-1 playoff run lucky.

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I agree with you red the bum Ryan will wait until spring and we will end up with some over the hill has been that will play about 30 games.

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It seems like all I've heard so far is all the moves the W. Sox are making. It sure sounds like more than a "tweaking", but I wouldn't call it a fire sale either. Anytime a team makes changes, it changes the chemistry of the team, so nobody knows how it will turn out til after the season. If the Sox would have key injuries next year, like the Twins had last year, it can send the season down the tubes in a hurry. Some years "things" just fall into place FOR a team. The warning track flyballs are caught one year and the next the bat gets a 1/4 inch more of the ball and it lands in the seats. The Sox had everything go right for them last year(I call it LUCK), but it rarely happens 2 years in a row. Should be a hotly contested division next year.

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Spoken like a true twins fan. laugh.gif

I would tend to agree with you for the most part. Even the yankees cant go back to back. Now having seaid that, Chicago has to be the odds on favorite to win this coming year. And as a twins fan myself, watching a team spend the money they are spending makes a colapse all the more fun to watch, if it happens. I sure hope we have the pitching and just enough sac fly balls to beat the sox this year. All and all as long as the twins compete win or loose im happy.

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I tell you what, Kenny Williams must have a ski mask and a gun at the meetings, cause he is STEALIN'. Maybe he had naked pictures of the other GM's on the Vikings "love boat" cause he is making some outstanding deals.

His latest is genius, we get Vasquez for El Duque who is turning about 45 next year, Vizcaino who worried me everytime he came into a game and the fourth best outfield prospect the Sox have in their system. You will be surprised how well Vasquez performs on a winning team as the fourth starter. Second, this sent a wake up call to Mr. Garland and Contreras, get with the program or ship out. I know the Sox have offered multi year contracts to both pitchers and they have refused them. The first one that flinches will be gone. I have a feeling it will be Mr. Garland who had a great year last year, but had a mediocre second half at best and has always been a .500 pitcher. Look for the Sox to package Garland and Uribe to the O's and it will be HELLO MIGUEL TEJADA! How nicely do you think his 140 rbi's will fit in at the #3 spot, followed by Konerko's 100 rbi, Thome's 110 rbi and Dye's 90 or so rbi???

When this deal goes thru, and it will, look for the Sox to wrap up about three more World Series Championships.


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That would be a great move (for the TWINS), to trade Uribe. Go for it, can you pull some strings for us? I consider Uribe a tougher out than Tejada and he's great defensively. I don't think there is another ss in the majors that would have completed some of those plays I saw him make in the playoffs last year. In fact Crede and Uribe were THE TWO MVP's in the playoffs last year in my book. Replace them and the (great?) pitching would have shown thier talent level(about a 4.50 era) and the results would have been about a 6-6 split w-l record, and NO ring ( my personal opinion of course). So please do the dealing, and put it on the board (or is it bored?), our TWINS will thank you next year. cool.gif

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I didn't think that (Judy) Garland, as all you Twinkie-lovers referred to him all year, garnered such respect. He is a lifetime .500 pitcher who had one good year and faded in the second half of that magical year. As for Uribe, he does make the spectacular plays, but muffs the easy ones sometimes and he did start the season like a house on fire batting but cooled considerably after pitchers figured out the holes in his swing. You do have to give something of quality to get something and Tejada is the real deal, how can you argue with 140 RBI playing for the O's? This whole deal is being put forth by Kenny Williams who offered Garland a 3 year deal for 24 mil and was rejected. After all the years that the Sox stuck with him through mediocre seasons, he has one good year and thinks he is Randy Johnson and should be compensated like Johnson. Sorry, Jon, but a half a season being great commands about three years of being paid very well at 8 mil per. Any more and he is being greedy instead of realizing he could be part of some magic for the next three years. Kenny does not want another situation like Konerko's (although he fully admits that it was his fault, Paulie wanted to sign a deal prior to the season and Kenny wanted to wait, that probably cost him another 12 mil or so on the deal and an extra year). I think the Sox are being proactive instead of reactive and the deals they are making will shine in the next few years...only time will tell and yes you can...


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