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Snow/ Ice conditions

Sergeant Slabber

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How do you think this snow is going to hinder the ice conditions? If we only had 3-4 inches of ice out there, I can't see much more being made with this blanket of snow insulating it. We may never get to drive out to our favorite spots this winter!

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This storm really sucks for ice in the metro area, we are gonna need another extended deep freeze to thicken things up. It might be a while before the trucks and permanents get out on the ice here. And the deeper snow doesn't make it any easier for those dragging portables. Not to mention the slush factor. Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! mad.gif

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Agreed, it will be a different winter.

On the bright side, it may mean less fish taken, less drunken kids on the ice, less littering, less a lot of stuff the true fishermen don't like. It may prove to be an outstanding year!

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Agreed. Lots less traffic and trash if the lakes aree more restricted to those of us willing to drag portables out by hand for a while.

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Sadly enough guys, I've already seen a ton of trash on the lakes I fish. Eventhough the kids aren'tout having their parties on the ice there is still trash out there. This means that the fishermen are leaving it. Now with the snow we are getting, it give those pigs a place to hide their garbage. mad.gif

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I would venture a guess that we will not be driving at all this winter on area lakes. To much snow not enough ice. The slush will be incredable this year.


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Personally, I love the ability of driving right to a spot and being fishing and catching within 5 minutes time, especially since I like to take quick trips before work or during the kid's naps. But I also love the thought of a quiet winter on Prior Lake fishing walleyes by myself or with only those devoted enough to walk out throught the snow!!!

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DITTO that TJ. The thought of having to walk a mile to a spot sucks, but the thought taht I will most likely have that spot all to myself = GIDDYUP smile.gif

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Rode my sled to work this afternoon...across Tonka, and a lot of the snow has blown off the main basins, leaving a lot of bare ice spots..no need to worry.. grin.gif

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We have not had enough snow to mess up the ice for the season. It may, or may not slow ice making down temporarily.

In, and near the cities.. we already have more ice than we usually do by now at MOST lakes.. not all.

If the ice is thin and the snow piles up.. the ice is going to sag and crack causing slush. That water(slush) on the ice will melt down some of the snow, and the slush will freeze into cloudy ice... Its not the best ice for holding weight, but its better than no ice at all. Good ice will continue to form.

At this time we dont have to panic. If it stays warm and we keep getting regular substantial snow.. then it will be more cause for concern.

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Be very wary of the ice conditions on Tonka. Use extra caution around Islands, Points and Channels. I saw one sled in the drink last night. Last sunday night they pulled three trucks from the lake at the red bridge access. IMHO, don't take the sled or 4 wheeler to spots not checked first on foot.

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    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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