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Anybody else having a problem with there new--



Nils Master auger? Please staff, do not take this post as a product bash. I am just wondering if there is a problem with the new cutting head on the NM's. I have heard such wonderful things about Nils that I bought one. Did the half tank breakin like mentioned and took it out tonight and it would not go through 4 inches of ice. Got stuck after 2 inches. Tried several holes and same result. I was not putting any pressure on auger at all. It was really emberrasing as I was bragging this thing up and the guys I was fishing with just laughed. I was not happy. Anyone have a solution. I have the next two weeks off to fish and need a fast solution. Thanks Guys for any suggestions..

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Thanks Paul. Will run her in for several hours tomorrow. Like I mentioned to ya, the radio controlled airplane engines have extremely high tolerances also and need at least a couple hour breakin too...

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Read the original post. Seems the auger motor needs several hours of running before using. I have been running it since around 9:00am this morning. On tank # 6. Seems to be running easier. Hope this is the fix. Will let you all know. I hope to at least get out and drill some holes tomorrow.

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thats seems kinda funny to have to run it for hours on end before you can cut a hole did you check with the manufacture ??

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They have not returned my calls yet. They could be on a fishing trip. Paul Waldowski did e-mail me and I did call and talk to him.

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Why would any manufacturer sell an auger for that kind of money and expect you to run even 1 full tank of gas through it before it could be used? This seems really odd to me. I guess that's why I am still running my 15 year old Jiffy 30. I keep hoping it will die so I can buy a new one with Ice Armor, but every year I grab her from the corner and give her a couple of pulls and she's ready to go fishing again.

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Why would any manufacturer sell an auger for that kind of money and expect you to run even 1 full tank of gas through it before it could be used? This seems really odd to me. I guess that's why I am still running my 15 year old Jiffy 30. I keep hoping it will die so I can buy a new one with Ice Armor, but every year I grab her from the corner and give her a couple of pulls and she's ready to go fishing again.

I Agree

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O Boy.. I didn't intend to open up a can of worms here. I did get an e-mail from Rick this evening. He is not fishing but home with the flu today and is going to get this resolved tomorrow. I personaly can't believe that after hearing all the great reports about nil's that it is a bad auger. There is probably something not right with the one I have. Could be a real simple fix, so I am really bad at jumping to conclusions when I shouldn't. I am disapointed right now but the one thing I do know is FM will make it right and I am sure that nils will also... Doug

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My NIls worked great once I got the right blade assembly. I messed up 1st tank this year and had it way to rich and she bogged down a bit but still cut well. Im going to get some better mix in it then she should hummmm.

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Anyone who thinks that a manufacturer doesn't turn out a machine occasionally with problems lives in a fantasy land grin.gif The biggest thing is will they stand behind their product and get it fixed and working properly in short order? That is what seperates the good from the bad cool.gif

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Well fellas, I took the nils to a little lake this morning to test it after running the engine for several hours yesterday. I must have gotten one with the engine tolerances extremely tight. That thing went through 8 inchs of ice like a hot knife through a butter stick. I must have drilled 40 holes in less than 5 minutes. You do not put any pressure on this thing and it literally pulls itself through the ice. Gotta hang on or it will pull ya right into the lake LOL laugh.gif Shut it off and let it cool down for about 20 minutes. Poped off on first pull. drilled several more holes. Walked around some carrying it and it is really light. After all my disappointment from the first outing I am now extremely pleased. smile.gif It is exactly what I was looking for and heard about. This thing kicks (Contact US Regarding This Word). shocked.gif I have owned Jiffy and Strikemaster and there both good but I have never experienced a drill that drills so fast and is as light as this one. shocked.gif And they say they just get stronger as the motor breaks in. I am a believer. Thanks to Paul Waldowski for the break-in tip. Like I mentioned earlier , I have some radio controlled air-plane engines that are built like a swiss watch and needed a lot of breaking in to run decent too. BTW, keep you fingers at least 6 inches away from the blades. My God are they sharp! blush.gif

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Doug,I'd like to know what Paul recomended. Is it something we should all do with our new Nils auger or wait and see after we try it out first ??

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Mine is outside running right now. I sent my 2 blades to JP early Dec. so he could check them out for me. Just waiting to hear back from him. I want to get the newer center point blades anyway.

Thanks Paul for the break-in tip.

It is a great little light weight auger.


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Penna: I don't know if Paul is recommending all of the new Nils be broke in or just the ones that are extremely tight. I am sure he will be chimming in soon. I ran a gallon of fuel through mine since yesterday and it cuts like a dream. I am probably going to run another gallon through it tomorrow. I know from experience that extremely well built 2 cycle engines run better after extensive break-in. Example would be RC airplane engines. The really expensive engines end up gaining rpm's and power as they get more use. The cheaper engines never gain anymore rpm's and actually start loosing performance the more they are used. Probably same theory with the Tanaka motors. All I know is that sucker goes through the ice faster than anything I have used in the past and is light.......

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Hey David... Mine is outside running right now too. I think I am gonna run 1 more gallon through it just to get her really well broke in and get that added power...

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Come on now! open up. I'm not very good at reading between the lines.

What exactly did Paul tell you about the break in procedure?

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Paul suggested to run at least 6 tanks of gas thru her to start to break it in. Mine has been running for almost 4 hours now. I turned the idle up somewhat so it was spinning over faster, but Paul suggested to just let er idle away.

He also advised Amsoil. I was already using it. No smoke.

I ran the 100:1 stuff at 80:1 but have heard from real people (not read on net) that 100:1 works for trimmers in the summer heat all day. I just mixed some more 92 octane at 90:1 for more break in tommorro. Gonna have to go shut er down so as not to get the neighbors upset.


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Hey Dave.. The instructions say to run 25 or 50 to 1 but when I talked to JP he told me that the 100 to 1 amsoil was the only way to go. But he never said that if you know what I mean. I shut mine off for the night too. Got about 3/4 gallon to go and I will have run 2 gallons thru it. Should be ready to really rock. I can't imagine getting stronger and faster as it is going thru the ice extremely well now. Yee Haa !!! smile.gif

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Easy now smile.gif A gallon ought to do it, no need to get hogwild. If she is cutting good, then there's no need to do anything further. Keep your blades from banging into or against anything and you will have a GREAT auger. You Just need to get er broken in a bit and then she cuts like a demon laugh.gif

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