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It was slow, but some big fish were caught. Friday afternoon was a waste of time. On Saturday, Rick, Dietz, and Dennis Steele were up shooting a Hot Spot outdoors segment, it should be out soon. Marineman and Iffwalleyes were up also, and Stu Mckay joined on Saturday as well. I won't give the report for Saturday, as I don't want to ruin the segment. But on Sunday, I caught a 10.5 lber and Hammerem caught a 8lb 10ozer. Mine was 29" and his was 27.75", boy those fish are fat, I'll post pictures when I get them. You'll have to join us next year, we had a good time and stayed with friends of mine so the room and board were free (cost us two bottles of booze). Give me a holler so we can get out some time.

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Oh boy that was a fun trip. Marine_Man and I are talking about making a return trip in Feb sometime. Awesome fishing other than it being slow. But to be able to know that at any minute you might be tying into one of the biggest pigs you have ever caught is unbelievable. Oh so many great places to fish and oh so little time.

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Hey guys, just wanted to update you all on the bite (and show a few pics grin.gif). It's slowed a bit but Stu, Jimmy, and I went out for a few hours yesterday. We ended up with 9 fish landed. Now the real hogs are starting to show shocked.gif!!! Even Jimmy is catching some quality fish confused.gif!

30" for Christmas!!!


One from Thursday.


Jimmy got into my tobacco again smirk.giftongue.gif !!!


Merry Christmas from Canada cool.gif!!!


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Terry- Merry Christmas to you, too. We'll have a crew of 7 coming up on Tuesday. Maybe we'll cross paths with you or Jim or Stu. If not, we'll be sure to see you this summer. Look for an otter porty that flips out both ways (4 man) and a dk green Voyager 2 man flip style or possibly a clam 6800. Stop in and say "Hi" if you get a chance.

By the way, where is the best place to buy salteds up there now? I've heard good ones can be hard to find.


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Guess you gave up on bringing the drop-down house, huh? Where are you guys staying, Stu has the house open for winter guests now you know! Hot tub, satellite, etc., etc.!!!

Give him, Jimmy, or me a yell when you get here and we'll hook up for sure. We'll show you where the 30's hide out (or you'll show us confused.gif). We're hitting the river at least a few times this week in Stu's Frabillgrin.gif.

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A little hint. If Stu trys to set you up for a picture make sure where he places you. The ice is about a foot every where EXCEPT for all the 10" ice holes, just big enough to stick your foot down.

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I didn't know that Stu's was available. My brother made reservations at Selkirk Inn. I'll check with him to see if we can get out of it. That's sounds pretty nice.

We will look for you guys in Stu's Frabill. Looking forward to some line stretchin' pigs!


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Yeah, the drop down is staying home. We didn't feel real confident driving out on the river with the beast.


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MJ, thanks for posting your pics. Unfortunately that last one doesn't do Brad's fish justice. It looks nice, but it looked quite a bit bigger in person. Funny how that works with pictures sometimes...

Yup, thanks again to Stu and crew. As always, we had a blast!

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MJ, thankyou for dropping off those lures at Brads office. He emailed me today and I really appreciate it. The last couple of days have been heckic around the house and I just couldn't spend the time on the river I would have liked. Maybe next time if I get the portable I am trying to we can spend a couple of hrs bsing and trying for some hogs. It was real nice meeting Kent's brother, I have never met Kent but if he is like his brother and sons, nice people, but then any bow hunter is a great guy.

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Happy New Year to you, Jim! You're right about my brothers in law. They all bow hunt and they are all great guys! It was nice to visit with Brad for a few minutes in GF as well.


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