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Food & Drinks @ Commanche Jims the 23rd

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My wife and I are heading down that direction and would like to pay Stoney Point Grill a visit. How many Cass Crazzies would be game for food and drinks? If there are enough that could make it...what time would work best for everyone? Hope all can join!!

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Bad timing, I believe Jim told me, when I was there about a week ago, that they will be closed for a month in mid-December to mid-January, they are expanding and remodeling the entire establishment. My charming bride and I are headed for Florida. Where is your destination?

Col Ron

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Hey Ron...I will have to answer for him since he is soooo busy these days. We are heading towards Ohio, that is where all of my family is located.

That is too bad...I was hoping we would be able to check the place out. Well I guess another day another time.

Take care and tell Annie she and I still have some shopping to do!! wink.gif

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Wait till you hear from Commanche before killing your plans. You never know with remodeling. Jim should read the post soon. Count me in if you guys get together.


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Hopefully, Jim will respond soon to this. Keep in mind one thing if you are swinging through Chicago to go to Ohio. They are working on most of the expressways, with MAJOR shutdowns and lane closures especially, where I-80, 294, and 94 meet by Lansing, Ill. If you hit the Chicago area during rush hour, and on top of that, if it is snowing, you may celebrate New Years on the expressway. It is real bad, avoid the high traffic hours to make the trip easier. Good luck, let me know when you are coming through, on our email address, we'll let you know if we are going to be here. Ron

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Ain't it the truth Col.?

There are only two seasons in Chicago, winter and road construction! Seems like they are always working on those toll roads that were supposed to be paid in full about, what, 25 years ago! Anyway, hopefully Jim has his ears on and will respond soon. Windy

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Hey guys. We started the remodeling, but we figured out a way to stay open longer than we expected. We are expanding into a vacant space and we're doing as much as we can in the expansion space before we have to close er down. I would say we'll still be open on the 23rd. I will know more by the end of this week.

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I have NEVER seen it this bad. I avoid it at all costs.

Maybe when Jim gets it all done, we can all meet up there. Gowdy and Gene etc, hey, get a room!


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No prob, Ron, I think I'd be able to meet on the 23rd if it is in the evening. But since that is Xmas-eve eve, I'll have to head for home afterwards.

Gowdy and MuskyMark and Ffishman can meet at my place in Elmhurst and I'll gladly be the DD to the SBurbs.

I've got a home video of a trip from about 30 yrs ago if anyone would be interested in a little nostalgia. (R-rated of course, so we'll need a private screening room, or I can save it until next June)

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Gene, no offense, but if its just you in an x rated video, I'll take a pass. If what you said is true about gowdy and texan meeting us at the pike hole in june, whew, they better bring in an extra truck load of beer. tongue.gif

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Gowdy and Texan will be there, we are exploring options of putting a keg on our Alaskans! Some of our group, which will not be invited back next year, are on the outs with a few of the Pike Hole staff...let's just say beer, testosterone and women did not mix confused.gif

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Texan, then I say leave out the women!

Ffishman, it used to be an X, but these days I think it is just an R rating. And I'm not in it - who do you think the cameraman was?

It's really not that bad. The best part, besides the 3 naked gay guys, is when the dog climbs the slide and slides down then goes back and does it again. Or maybe the best part is the rainbow from Stoney Pt over to Windigo, or maybe it is when one guy rolls a doobie, or maybe it is that same guy passed out after overimbibing, or maybe it is when we were in Windigo fishing in our undies?????

Naw, the best part is seeing how young (and good-looking) we used to be!

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Sorry to hear some won't be coming back. I now have to try to unload my interest in the Bemidji Bud distributorship before the word gets out!


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A buddy if mine just called and is going to come up there with us. It just gets better and better. smile.gif

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Glad to hear so many of you guys will be able to join us!! Hope to see(and meet you all very soon)!!

Gene...this time keep your head on the ground instead of in the clouds!! smirk.gif

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