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Has anyone been to Birch lately? I'll be a first timer on the lake after Christmas and was hoping to get pointed in the right direction. Would like to do some jigging for eyes and tip ups for northerns during the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!

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I will be on birch second week of January.

I dont know where yet. Will let ya know if I here any information that is not on this site.


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Do a search on this forum for Birch Lake or just look further down the forum. STF Catfish has fished it at least once this season.

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I will be in the area the same time. I don't know much about the Lake, but I plan on pulling a TOOTHY CRITTER out of the ice. Maybe we could sit on the ice together and have some jerky and barley pop wink.gif Over and out!

Yours truly in Fishing,


"Thats why they call it fishing and not catching!"

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Ice Toad....

I would be more than willing to sit on the ice, shoot the bull, and drink some barley wine.

I got a good lake up by Ely if your lookin for some big Northerns. You have to have patients, but it has paid off for some of my buddys!

Have a good one.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Hey Nam it did not pay off for me and i am one of your buddies. I fish with yall alot there and caught nothing worth braggin about. I like Beer not barley wine Mich Golden for me please. I cant wait until feb cause this is my year for a big green toothy fishy.

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Casey, I did a search and didn't really find much. STF Catfish has helped A LOT! Going to a new lake can be a bit intimidating though. I'll try another search and see what I come up with.

Thanks! Any help is greatly appreciated!


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You aint gonna catch a toothy critter, someone told me you dont like to hold them? Is that true? blush.gif

And you can take your Mich Golden back to MSP!


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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

If they got teeth dont let em take it to long other wise your bait will be gone forever. I have fish Birch where the Kawish goes into it for eyes and crappies. Also done good where the stoney river comes in for eyes and the green toothy ones. Burntside has some really large pike ya just need to find em in the little bays. Hey Nam what is the little lake with the muskies in it off of Hwy 1? Nam are we going to fish walleyes on Kempton lake this winter? I would like to fish walleyes on the lake at the end of Spruce Road again last time i did that i limited out. grin.gif

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Hopefully we can make it to Kempton when I am in Ely in January. Last year some guy told me he was the DNR and He said "get off my land or I'll take your gun"

Well I didnt have a gun, I just wanted to fish Kempton.

He was one of them nutty Elyites I think...


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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

the dnr stocks that lake with walleyes and lots of them.

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moose -

I think the lake you are thinink of off of Hwy 1 with Muskies is Harris. If you are thinking of the one with a really rough road leading down to it, that is probably it.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

yep that is it

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