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lakemaster chip and area lakes

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Well I was pondering buying a lowrance ifinder H2O with the lakemaster chip but first i wanted to know if anyone has the chip and uses it on the 5 or 6 area lakes that are on the chip. Has it made a difference for you? How accurate is it? And has anyone used it on washington or madison? Please opinionate

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I bought this same set-up this fall and used it a few times on Madison Lake. You don't really get the premium contour lines and structure that I was looking for on our area lakes but it was wonderfull up in the brainerd area this fall. I think I will use it alot during the coldwater months to mark spots and such. My opinion is get it. So many uses for not that much $$.

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I have the ifinder H2O. It was a gift. It came with the Navionics chip.

Personally, I would have preferred a hand-held Garmin. The Lowrance is nice, but I have owned Garmin in the past and believe they are a little nicer and easier to use. The functionality of any of the hand-helds is the same. You will hear some people report that the unit they have is "so easy to use". This is totally personal preference, you get what you pay for. (mine was free grin.gif)

I have transferred all my summer waypoints over to this unit that I will use on the ice.

I have been trying to get information on what southern MN lakes are on the Lakemaster chip. I would imagine that they cover pretty much the same lakes as I have with the the Navionics chip: Madison, Washington, Frances, Tetonka, Shields, Cedar, (may be a few more lakes that I frequent). The Navionics maps look like they are copied right off the Hot Maps maps. There is no hidden info on it, of course. The detailing isn't that great, but then our lakes aren't known for their great structure.

I have a Humminbird Matrix 97 on my boat that I would like to get a chip for, but I need to check my options.

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i would like to hear more about the navionics chip i think from lookin at the lists you trade german for madison with this chip. i know what gps im gonna get thats the H2O cause its 136.00 somewhere on the net but still not sure on the chip. im willing to bet this is just the beginning for mapping chips i bet theres gonna be one comin out that blows all the others away

thanks for the info

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I only got the Lowrance around Labor Day. I haven't used it in a a month or so. I'll try to remember to bring it to remember to take a look at all the local lakes on the Nav chip and report back tomorrow.

I believe the Lowrance just recently dropped in price. I think it was price protected up until recently at $229. The color version may have had something to do with it.

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I only got the Lowrance around Labor Day. I haven't used it in a a month or so. I'll try to remember to bring it to remember to take a look at all the local lakes on the Nav chip and report back tomorrow.

I believe the Lowrance just recently dropped in price. I think it was price protected up until recently at $229. The color version may have had something to do with it.

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right, the color version took the old price,compare pricing sites is where i found the best deal

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I have used the Lakemaster chip in my H2O and would say this.The lakes that are the 1ft contours is very nice,as you can see where you are and all the depth changes.For the area around Mankato some of the lakes are on it such as Washington,Madison and a few others but are 5 ft contours,so it isnt as good as the 1ft ones.I still use it on those lakes as I can mark my spots and if im going to a certain hole or drop off,I can find it much faster.Ill say that for the little that it costs im glad I bought it.They may in the futher map some of the other lakes better and that would help but I dont count on them doing that for the cost reasons and that its not a big name lake.

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thats the info i was lookin for harvey i think im gettin the lakemaster. navionics does have a request form on there site if you want a lake on there chip thats cool if ya ask me.

Lakemaster i heard is updating in feb. and gonna have a trade in program

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Redrocketangler- you can get on lakemasters web page or this site(tacklecity) to see which lakes are the 5ft contours and which ones are the 1ft contours and all the lakes included.

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Redrocketangler- you can get on lakemasters web page or this site(tacklecity) to see which lakes are the 5ft contours and which ones are the 1ft contours and all the lakes included.

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Well, I was a little off base.

I was looking at the Nav chip for the Humminbird.

I have the Fishing Hotspots Elite chip that came with my Lowrance. Local lakes include: French, Shields, Cedar, Tetonka, Madison, and Washington (no German or Frances). All are 5 foot contours.

I wouldn't look for any company to go to 1 foot contours on our small, relatively featureless lakes.

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When looking into these cips here's what to consider.

Navionics has three differernt chips. Classic; Gold and Premium.

Classic retails for $129

Features are 5' contour maps from fishing hot spots

Gold retails for $129

Same features as the Classic but enhanced for color units

Premiun retails for $199

Features Lakemaster 1' and 3' contour lakes (51 MN lakes I believe) secondary lakes are 5' contour hot spots maps.

Lowrance chip retails for $99.

Features include Lakemasters 1' and 3' contour premium lakes secondary lakes are 5' contour color enhanced MN DNR maps.

Lakemaster is thinking of mapping Washington and maybe the German,Jefferson chain.

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i believe lakemaster has washington

and i think the nav chip has german but not madison

katoguy do those maps look just like the dnr ones or are tehy improved at all

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