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New GSP puppy, thought I would share pics...


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Well after many months of reading, researching, hunting over, checking out, the whole nine yards, I brought home a new GSP puppy.

It is a male, he is about 8 weeks old and I named him Wrigley. He has shown promising signs of a great dog. I am so pumped and excited to start working with him, and hopeuflly he will be ready to hunt full bore by next years pheasant opener.

Wish me luck, as I may need it, things have gone pretty smooth so far, a few accidents, but thats expected.

Again many thanks for all your guys imput, the info on just this website alone is awesome!

Pics of Wrigley:



after a long day of new adventures and settling into the new home was pretty wore out:


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That boy has some long legs! Congratulations, that's a good looking animal. And, I see he is assuming his role as head of the household already. grin.gif

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My pup knows who the couch belongs too, she just lets me use it when I get home.

Ya he looks like he's gonna be a big boy. Great looking pup.

Have fun smile.gif

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Looks like he has also has a firm grasp of the remote....good boy.



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Great looking pup! You'll have lots of use for him in SoDak. It seems like only yesterday that my girl was that size.


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Great looking pup! I have a 5 month old and am back in the swing of training again! What a blast. I do wish I had one of my seasoned dogs around still since the hunting is so good this year, but the "boy" is doing very well.

Your little guy will be ready to roll next year. Expect big things from him, I know I will be from my little guy. He is 45# right now. Has pointed a couple dead birds, but no live birds yet, they are too cagy for him. He is doing surprisingly well finding the wounded birds. Finding birds the older dogs miss because they get too excited.

You look to have a great start on a great companion for many years. There are few dogs that are more loyal and eager to please than a GSP. Looks like you need to buy a couch for yourself! LOL

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I don't know if it is just from the angle that you took the pics but that boy looks like he has some huge paws. Especially in the pic where he is laying on the couch. He is a really good looking dog.

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Congratulations on the new addition. When you bring that puppy home, and imagine all the hunts, and adventures that you will be on together...its almost as fun as actually getting out there and doing it.

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well thanks for the compliments. Its been a pretty smooth last couple of days. Sunday was his first day in the new home, and we havent had any accidents since then, but I have been watching him like a hawk.

We both got our first full night of sleep lastnight, I took him for a walk at about 10pm, we both went to bed, and we both woke up at about 6:30. No middle of the night trips outside so I was pretty fired up about that.

I think hes getting the fetch and retrieve down, more than likely doesnt understand, fetch and come, but he could run and retrieve all day, which is even more of plus.

Going to let him be a pup for a bit, then we will start working on the basics.

Kennel training was an adjustment for him of course, but he doesnt cry as much when I first put him in there for the first time.

Again thanks for the compliments, I am sure a few questions will come up that I will need to ask about on here.

Until then, my time will be watching this little goof ball every second, until he gets the house rules down lol.

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