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Long Lake access by Monticello

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Does anyone know if there is a way to get onto Long Lake or know someone who will allow access? Is there any county land that abuts upto it? What kind of fish are in it? Looks like there are some deep spots on it.

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You can go to the YMCA camp, there should be a property manger that lives there and get permission. Last I knew Bret was the guy. There is an ok ram on the northwest side. You should have a 4wd, the road has been proned to washouts.

I used to be the fishing camp counsolor there for a couple of summers. I used to get a few bass and northers while the kids were pan fishing. We caught some real big dogfish. I havent fished out there for five or six years.

In the past fish could migrate to and from the mississippi via the creek at the end of the lake chain.

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Thanks for the info! Do you know if there are any walleyes in it. I see it is pretty deep so thought maybe it might hold some.

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I have heard of walleyes, but never caught or seen one. I knew very little about walleye fishing at that time. I would bet that that all depends on the migration from the mississippi. We did get alot of rain over a period last fall. I don't think there is much in the way of walleye spawning area. There are Smallies and they do spawn. Now you got me thinking about heading out there this saturday. I have never caught any real big northers, but with light angling pressure there should be a few.

I a curious about the walleyes, I was about 16 when I guided out there. Most of the fish stories were from kids or poeple who were kids at the time so I don't know how reliable the walleye reports were. There were alot of fish tales. I did see a picture of a 39in northern someone caught. I think walleyes are there, but not real numerous.

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If you do go let me know how you did and maybe we could hook up if you could get me in there. I am heading to the cabin this weekend to get my fishing gear. Hopefully the ice doesn't melt too much. They are talking 6 inches tonight so that isn't good. I got to believe there are some walleyes in there especially coming from the river. I would love to get a big northern through the ice. Good luck if you make it out there.

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I have been out lately (this last summer) and it is not easy- you better get permission before heading out there. This lake has a lot of springs and can be very dangerous. As for the walleyes, very, very few to be found. This lake is best for northerns, lots and some are big. I would like to tell you more but I may incriminate myself wink.gif. All I have to say is don't get caught out there without permission, and Brett is no longer the caretaker.

Good luck.

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Any suggestions how I can get acces or is it one of those night time operations dressed in snow camo?

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I was taken out there with a friend who does have permission, but I don't know how he got it- he actually has a key for the lock on the gate, but again he said he doesn't like pressing his luck by not asking, and he would tell me no more.

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the people that own the farm on the left side off the road,shut the access to bertram down,to many kids partying down there,long has some nice eyes and crappies,no way to get to it unless you can get to bertram from another spot,talked to the dnr 2 years ago ,they werent to happy about it,and were trying to get a differrent spot ,bye the beach

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I made a phone call to the YMCA reguarding lake access to the lake. Left voice mail with current camp director about getting ahold of the property manager. Hopefully I will get a response soon. Neiko, I don't have to work next monday, maybe we can get out there then. Shoot me an email at [email protected] if you are interested. I think we most likely can get access.

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