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Marion Lake *DELETED*

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I haven't been out there lately, but I can tell you the ice is very un-even. So if you do go, take a shovel and a pick and make darn sure of your thickness with each step you take.

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The ice is fine, just follow the tracks of people, 5-6 inches pretty well all over, just stay away from the shorelines. This snow that is suppose to be coming isnt gonna help, but oh well. The fishing hasnt been impressive at all either. Anyone catching any panfish in the Hutch area??

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Watch out on Marion. Straight out from the north landing has only 1". NE shore has pretty good ice, 5" to 6". Not alot of action out there though. Best bet is 3pm to 6pm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was out on Marion this afternnon with my daughter. we got out there around 2 pm and setup. What happened after that is beyond belief. Some (Contact US Regarding This Word) came out at 5pm and setup no less than 30 feet from me. Hey boneheads!! Dont you know anything about fishing? Even though the fish werent jumping through the holes you dont come out during prime time and setup right next to someone. I guess their mothers never taught them any manners!! I had my portable and immediately packed up and left. They had a big perm house and I assume they were going to spend the night or whatever. Still makes me mad though. I dont get out fishing with my daughter that often and to have someone ruin what was a good day out really steams me. It is because of people like that I dont fish around here very often or else go tolakes with less fishing pressure. The thing is I know those people and I know the way they fish and their fishing ethics. There I vented now I feel better. mad.gif

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30 feet huh? Maybe someone should read the fishing regs...last time I looked the law said you could set up 10 feet away. Maybe they could first get out there at 5 o'clock. What if you had to work and could first get out to the lake at "prime time" & the fish were on a suicide mission on a certain piece of structure...bet you'd be setting up within 10 feet of someone. Get off your high horse-you don't own the lake tongue.gif LOL

There...now I vented, too! grin.gif

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The point I was trying to make is that most fishermen wouldn't set up 30 feet away from someone during " primetime". I can't speak for other people, but I would never do that. I consider that to be just plain rude. I am familiar with the game and fish laws and I can honestly say that I know I " don't own the lake", but come on 30 feet away. I admit I vented a little on the last post and in my eyes I had every right to be a little miffed. I guess from now on I'll just be a little more receptive to the fact that most people will do what they want no matter what.

This too shall pass!! smile.gif

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Nice vent and I agree. Marion is FAMOUS for "boneheads" who insist on coming out at "prime hours". I don't care when you get of work. Any real, sincere, considerate fisherman shouldn't be acting that way. I know what the regs say also, but a little common sense and courtesy can make the difference between having a venting FM'er and a memorable outing with one's child. I, for one, do not fish Marion for this same exact reason, by the way.

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