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Just came from a visit to a local sporting goods store in woodbury, (Richard's) has LX-3 combos for $299 with charger, bag... everything. Best price I have ever found for an LX-3 (LX-1's are 199)


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Definitely a good price on great electronics! Did you buy one or are you just shopping?

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That's a heck of a good price for the lx-3. Were the flashers new? Are these considered the lx-3tc with 12 settings for interference rejection vs. 7? Where at in Woodbury is Richard's located? Very interested.

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these are LX-3 units but I didn't check which rejection settings they had. this is Dicks sporting goods (used to be Galyhans) near tamarack village. they also have them in Richfield at Dicks. I am under the impression that marcum is changing to a true 3 color display this year and these are composite 3 color (third color is made from the other 2) but for me, that is no big deal. I was back in there sunday and they had a bunch still. If you live near cabelas or gander, they are supposed to match a advertized price, so that may be another option. hope this helps.


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Hi, new to this board, but plan on being active.

I just purchased a Vex FL18 with dual transducer yesterday for $449 out the door. No tax, no shipping. I have been told this is a great price, and I am happy to have gotten it.

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Thanks for the tip bitz. I picked up my lx-3 from dicks tuesday night and yesterday afternoon it proved itself well by icing 60 sunnies over on lake washington (southcentral forum). I plan on sending the unit in come tax time for the $50 upgrade to the true color display. Thanks again!

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Glad they still had some. As to the post about the FL-18, those are great units also, but I like the ability to change the zoom to any where in the range. with an 18, you can't zoom from say 10 to 16 ft if you are fishing in 30 ft even if the fish are at 12 ft. for a 120 savings, i would take the lx3 any time and still feel I got the best deal. I will have to check on the upgrade, didn't know about that. But 319 out the door I thought was a pretty good deal.


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Bitz....The up-grade is amazing. If there was ever something done to help out anglers it was changing the color scheme to this new one. The colors are twice as crisp as a standard lx3. My up-grade took 6 days from door to door. If you think the adjustable zoom does you a favor now, see it with the up-grade. I swear it narrowed down the target seperation by an inch and the resolution is incredible.

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