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Fishable Waters?


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Hey, I'm looking to get out ice fishing this weekend. I know it's early, but since I've heard some guys are fishing already, I want in on the action.

What I'm asking for is confirmation of a fishable lake, preferably one that the confirmer has fished himself. I've heard Owasso has enough ice on it, are there any others? Of course, I'd prefer if the lake has a large population of fish, like Owasso, or if it's well known, like Prior.

If for some reason you don't wan the general public to know of the lake, my email's [email protected]

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Please read my post on Owasso. I think that the ice is safe to walk on but be careful. I went out 50' and found 4.5 to 5" where others had drilled on Wednesday. Yeseterday I stopped and guys had gone out further. No tracks around the point or over to the rail road bridge. I would think that the ice is most likely safe enough to hold a guy, but I am not willing to test areas that nobody has been by myself.

There were guys tip upping Josephine when I was on my way home from work. That lake is safe enough to get out and do that at least off the swimming beach and landing. Probably not going to catch much of anything worth a darn but it would get you on the ice.

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