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legality question


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I know it's not legal to carry a firearm to the bow stand with you, but would it be legal to have a pellet gun while archery hunting? My sons get bored easily in the bow stand and want to carry their pellet guns for squirrel with them bow hunting. Any idea if it's legal? I looked the laws again and it only says no "firearms".

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I am not sure why you would do this but I do believe it would be legal because it is not considered a legal firearm. Just my 2 cents!

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I've done if before for squirrel control. Only once or twice, haven't shot any. I figure it's a one shot deal though. Pumping it up's too loud. I drove a racoon away with the spring loaded bb gun pistol this fall. That was after I'd put an arrow through his running mate. This one was too high in the tree to shoot at with the bow at the time. I later missed him (twice) with the bow once I pestered him down the tree with the pistol. Those old bent up aluminum "coon arrows" didn't shoot very straight.

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According to Minn Stat §97A.015 Subd. 19 it would be a firearm:

"Firearm" means a gun that discharges shot or a projectile by means of an explosive, a gas, or compressed air.

A pellet gun discharges a projectile by compressed air thereby making it a firearm.

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Thanks Lawdog, I knew I could count on you for this one.

The reason I ask is my sons are a little impatient in the stand and this would keep them out longer hence giving me more hunting time. Appreciate the answer.

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Get him a slingshot and some marbles. Tell him he is working on his draw muscles and concentration.

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Ok, my theory is out! I still think it is legal however. If a pellet gun is legal to take small game, you should be able to sit with a bow hunter and shoot small game as long as the bow hunter is not in possession of the gun (if all the seasons are open. However, I am not sure that a pellet gun is legal for small game. This is a good question!

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The catch-all here is that you cannot have the gun/bow mix in the same PARTY. And it would not be legal for the youngster to be in possession of the gun without his parent...who would be in possession of the bow. Buy slingshot.

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I need to make this a little clearer. My sons are 14 and they would not be sitting with me. They want to carry both their bow and pellet gun to the stand. I wouldn't want them messing up my hunting.

Crappie, that is a good solution, I'll try that.

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No, that would not be legal, you may not be in possession of a firearm while bowhunting (with exception of bear hunting). However, I still have doubt that the DNR considers a pellet gun as a legal firearm in hunting terms. State wise, obviously it is as Lawdog pointed out!

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Whoa there lawdog...some pellet guns shoot the pellets or bb's by means of a spring...guess that type would be legal then! wink.gif

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The only way it is legal to carry a firearm with a bow is if you have a consealed carry permit.

The laws have not been adjusted yet to cover this loop hole, although keep in mind that it is totaly up to the CO and if your given a ticket your in for a fight in court to get it over turned.

I recamend not doing it as the cost to fight the charge is not worth it.


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I do not have my regs. here with me now but I am pretty sure the permit is good for every other season except bowhunting. I saw 5 timberwolves (not the 7 foot tall ones) while muzzy hunting last weekend. I will carry for all seasons but bowhunting. As far as the post question I would not take the boys out and bore them until they are ready. Hunt with them. Be ready to call it quits when they lose interest. Deer hunting is not a video game. Most of the time it is pretty slow. No pellet guns,air or spring powered,no sling shots or portable dvd players with headphones. Hunting is not the result,its the experience.

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I would have to say go with the sling shot Nova.... Was out at the berry farm over thanksgiving coyote hunting, called for 4 hours, didn't see a thing until we were driving out and missed one in the front field. Okay I missed 4 or 5 times, but Brad and I are trying to get rid of those things, they are think down there...... Let me know if you guys get pulled this year.


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We went with just the bows. The pellets guns will wait until after the season. thanks for all the replies.

will do Picks, I think my brother and I are going down next week for a day of pheasant hunting. Let me know how you draw also.

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