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prior lake

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I saw one house last night in the bay just before the bridge to Martinson Island. I also saw three houses off of Martinson Island toward Cow Point. I tested the ice in front of my beach on the north end just before Paradise Bay and it was very solid. I was not able to break through pounding my heel. I will try to test drill a hole before the weekend but with this weather we should be set for sure by Saturday. Just be carefull as Prior is notorious for bad spots especially near the islands and the channels.

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Was out to check Paradise Bay last night with Crappieflop1212. We walked out close to the middle and there was about 3-4". Is anyone planning on going out there tonight? Seen anyone fishing it yet?

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I'm going tonight. Paradise is plenty safe. If someone else would like to come out tonight, that would be great. It would help calm Wild's nerves a little.

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