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Mr. Heater - sunflower



I have a quick question about this heater.. When i first light it it whistles really loud and almost sounds like an airplane taking off and after about 30 secs it goes away. Should i be worried about it thanks for the help guys.... Happy fishing... laugh.gif O yea its like only a year old maybe 1 1/2 yrs old at most...

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Some do some don't. My father in laws makes you want to head for cover when it fires up. I gave him mine which didn't!

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One of mine sounds like a l-o-n-g note on a trumpet... And LOUD too!! shocked.gif Sometimes the sound goes away, sometimes not... Time for a new one I guess..

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I bought my heater/cooker in 1980. It has made the trumpet sound since I bought it. if you tap the air intake it will change tones. I tell the people that I fish with that it's a fish whistle,calling in the fish.

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Thanks guys for your time and imput i guess by the sounds of it i will not worry about the sounds. It's my brothers so i wasn't sure cause we had two of the same heaters and they did not make the noise. Thanks again and happy fishing, good luck, and be SAFE.. laugh.gifcool.gifsmile.gif


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