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bb's in nice buck


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We shot a nice 10 point buck W/ML) north of Hutchinson - when skinning it I found a bb - while butchering it we found 2 more (all the way to the bone) We cut up a roast for jerky and found another one - and last night eating a roast I found one! They were in the front and rear quarter. Steel shot - looks like about a BB to a 1 shot! Kinda screwed up if you ask me.

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my niece shot a nice doe this year that had a 22 hole in it's right cheek. Last year, we had one that also had a 22 bullet in perfect shape lodged between the hide and meat. Would be nice to catch who's doing this.

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  • 2 years later...

Well - three years ago found a buck with BB's in it. This year a horse is shot (with pellets)? Wonder if they are related?

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the BB's are because a lot of clowns hunt with the first shot as bird shot for pheasant and when they see the deer they forget to eject. its illegal, but not everyone follows the rules

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the BB's are because a lot of clowns hunt with the first shot as bird shot for pheasant and when they see the deer they forget to eject. its illegal, but not everyone follows the rules

To me that would make no sense. Why would I want to risk ruining my rifled steel barrel running steel bird shot through it? Why would I want to put myself into a position where I HAD to make all that racket getting the second shell in the chamber after I saw a deer? I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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pretty sure their just using regular barrels for pheasant hunting and when the deer pops us the first shell is a pheasant load so they shoot forgetting its in there and the next is just a regular slug

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If 3 bucks had 22 holes in them, I'd think about calling TIP. The DNR won't be able to do much about poaching unless they know about it. IF you can give them the area that you are hunting, they will probably take that a little more seriously. Sounds an aweful lot like there is something going on in your area.

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I'll second that... absolutely make the call. That's not something that should be ignored. Officers will not take the call lightly.

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or even duck hunters, kicking em out of the swamp and shots at them. Anyway, I've never found anything like that on the deer we have shot in camp in the past years and this year.

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Found some broadheads in the hides of 2 bucks we shot, 1 in each. Had lots of trespasser problems this weekend and every year same problems.

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I have seen one broafhead in a deer over the years, but never .22 bullets or pellets. Deffinetly let the CO's know about stuff like that.

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I doubt if the 22 bullets are from poachers. Probably somebody just mad at the deer that keep eating at the bird feeder or something like that.

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Ive seen two bucks that had simalar things happen to them.

One had BBs (about six of them) under the skin and they just fell out once we were caping it. We were unsure if it happened form a pheasant hunter that year or from the previous year, only one can guess.

The other one had a full arrow stuck in it from a bow hunter. The arrow was entered in on side but never exited the other side.

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I doubt if the 22 bullets are from poachers. Probably somebody just mad at the deer that keep eating at the bird feeder or something like that.

A high powered rifle to scare them away??? I would say that might explain the bird shot, but not the .22 holes. The .22 is way more deadly than birdshot, and poachers may use the .22 because it is a lot quieter than a rifle or shotgun and still plenty deadly. 3 bucks shot with a .22 would have me calling tipline looking for poachers.

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i was hunting our farm by donnelly minnesota and on two diffrent ocasions i watched people shoot from in side their trucks. and i know that one was no shotgun, sounded like a smaller pistol he let off 5 rounds in a matter of seconds. even watched a pickup drive down a tree line with the passanger sitting out the window with his gun in his hands. and than as i was walking back to the truck about 20 min after shooting time i see a set of head lights pull into a field adjusant to us and shoot a cupple times that leave. and the best part is they only gave out 27 doe permints for the hole area. you do the math i dont think they were shooting bucks.

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JV, did you call the authorities? did you take down a description of the truck or even the license plate?

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yes i did call TIP, I was not able to get a plate number on them but gave the decription to them. all of this happened on sat and did not see eather of the two trucks on sunday so mabey tip caught them.

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