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Sunflower heater issues...



I'm having problems keeping my Sunflower ignited. After I light the heater up and it's glowing red, I leave go of the red tab and the heater goes out. It stays on as long as I have the tab pressed . The sunflower is about four or five years old, it's been a great heater up to this point. Any suggestions?

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Put a new thermocoupler (that's the little copper tube) in it and that should take care of your problem. Fleet, Gander, Cabelas and others sell them.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

First try bending the tip of the thermocouple closer to the sunflower. It that doesn't cure your problem then do as previous post and replace it. You can find them where every you buy the heaters.

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I had this problem before. I just duct taped the button down. Probably didn't meet OSHA requirements but it worked.

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Oh boy, who hasn't done that in a pinch. But, I think that's dangerous that way. If it ever went out the gas would keep on flowing, right?

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great timing of the post,just happened to me this weekend

was going to ask the same question,will try bending tip

or replace thermocouple

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You're right Dan. Probably a better idea to fix it right. Especially if it's only 5 years old...still has quite a bit of life.

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my mr.heater cooker did the same thing about 5 years ago. I just super glued the button while it was pushed in. As said by FL sniper,its not the safest, but I got another 5 years out of it.

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I dont have a sunflower but had the same thing happen last year.On mine there was a nut where the copper tube attached to the red ignition button ,that nut was loose .I tightened it up and problem solved.Maybe something to check...

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I was given a mr heater cooker that had these problems. The previous owner would rig it to keep the button depressed. I DO NOT recommend this.

The last time I seen this heater in operation, he had 2 other people in that fish house and I had to run to the store for an errand. When I returned, I could smell the exaust from that heater 10' away from the ice house they were in, and each one of them was nautious(sp?) from the heater. Both doors in the portable had about a 6" gap for ventalation and there was a fair breeze.

I guess the moral of the story here is that your heater is going to keep running even if its not running properly. There is no fish worth carbon poisoning.

The heater that was given to me is probably going to hit the trash can. I will buy another heater to avoid the risk.

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That Guy,

I believe that even a normal operating Mr. Heater would do the same thing. The thermal couple only purpose is to shut the gas off if the heater goes out for some reason. It has nothing to do with how well the heater is burning the gas.

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Dave is correct.

I have gone through a lot of Mr. Heaters over the years, mainly when the jet and the valve go bad. When the jet goes bad, or is plugged over time, you will smell and feel the difference. It's dangerous. Time to toss it, or repair if possible.

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"ChuckN" and "Tashit" are right. Usually it is only the thermocouple that is bad when the heater keeps going out as you described. The reason for this is that the thermocouple is a safety feature so you don't gas yourself (or a kid that doesn't know any better) inside the fishouse. As for a sunflower smelling bad "ChuckN" is right, it is most likely an orifice is plugged or the regulator is failing in some way. As for the price of a thermocouple, it is a little over seven dollars after tax at a local L&M Fleet store or maybe a little more at your local sporting goods store. It takes all of about five minutes to change it out and your heater should be just about as good as new. I'm not trying to start any fights but I think it is a small price to pay to ensure you and your friends safety participating in a sport all of us enjoy so very much.

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Yep, I saw it for $7 or $8 at Fleet Farm the other night so I was off on the $12. It's a very small price to pay for safety.

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is there anything else that could cause this problem? I replaced my thermocoupler but it didn't fix the problem, so I went back to taping down the button.

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If you put a new thermocoupler on and it still does not work, there is something obviously wrong.

Try to re-install that thermocoupler at the valve. Is it possible the copper end is not hitting it's mark inside the valve? Push the copper wire into it with force and screw into place. At the heater, extend the tip of the coupler farther out and (like other's said) place the tip closer to the heater mesh.

If it still doesn't work, I would buy a new heater. Not worth the risk.

I go thru a Mr. Heater about every 2 winters. I don't like it either, but I do use mine a lot and over time they do wear out.

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Haug Hunter,

As someone stated earlier, bend the thermocupler towards the mesh screen of the heater just a little bit. If it is too far away it does not sense enough heat to keep it going and does it job of shutting down. I have had this happen to mine a couple of different times and that's all I had to do. Good luck.

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Try rotating the sunflower so the thermocouple is closer to the top of the flame. If your'e looking at it, it would be in about the 12:00 position or thereabouts. Worked for me.

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