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Tice: Coach of the Year?


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The post-game show on FOX just mentioned Mike Tice as a coach of the year candidate, due to the Vikings turnaround. More importantly, they are saying Tice has a good chance to be back next year as Vikings head coach. I've been wondering about this myself, as Wilf has given little indication of what he plans to do.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am one of the many people who was yelling for Tice's head last season, and shouting that he be canned after this season. I still don't think he is the best man for the job, IMO.

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I still think he is a better line coach then a head coach but I think he has learned a few lessons and has gotten some experience this year. Talk about having all the problems you cold want and all in one season. perhaps he has grown into a coach and is no longer thinking like a player. I think the way he has been handling the O line the last few games shows that if you don't produce he will yang you but on the other hand he will give you a chance to make good in the same quarter not sit you for the game. Players do make mistakes as does everyone. It would not surprise me if he stays. Coach of the year? run the table and that could happen..

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You can't fault Tice for poor talent. Look what D. Green has done for Arizona. At least the Vikings didn't turn skirt like Detroit.

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He has kept this thuglike style of a football team together. His actions on the field and with the media are sometimes classless although he definitly can coach. Sounds like he simplified the defense. Seemed to have helped although we have alot more talent than years past. Offensive line still sucks!! Too many big slow guys that can't move fast enough to pass block. Just look at Denver. Smallest line in the league and they have a heck of an offense with an average QB. Lucky we have Johnson at QB. The mistakes that he does make doesn't cost us games. Prediction 8-8 with first round wild card loss. grin.gif

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Give Tice his walking papers! He sucks period. Anyone who as ever watched FOX knows that Jimmy Johnson is wishy-washy, he flows with the wind. Tice is a moron, I don't think he should be given all the credit for the defensive turnaround. Didn't the team just add coaching help before this turnaround? Tice should be fired for letting the offense fold today late in the fourth quarter. He tries to run out the clock with 6 minutes left in the game! Idiotic! The offense was moving the ball well with the short passing game so Tice decides to curl up in a ball with Bennett running. I guarantee you within the next few games this misguided attempt to (preserve) a victory will have disasterous consequences. Where the heck is the killer instinct? The Vikes are still only an average team at best due to their poor offensive production. Don't get your hopes up, they will only be squashed like every other year with this numbskull leading the team.

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Im gonna go out on a limb here and say, KEEP HIM! The guy obviously doesnt have all his ducks in a row but hes getting them there slowly but surely (so it seems) Give the guy a chance and he might just do your club a good deed next year. GET RID OF SHERMAN!!!!!!! GO PACKERS!!!!!!

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I've only got two words to add to this thread...LOVIE SMITH!

Nuff Said


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I've only got two words to add to this thread...LOVIE SMITH!

Nuff Said


Who's he? sounds like a porno star grin.gif

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You'll find out who Lovie is when he is hoisting the hardware above his head!


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You'll find out who Lovie is when he is hoisting the hardware above his head!


Oh I see, he's the guy that works at HomeDepot smirk.gif

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Ah Dungy!

And Marvin Lewis will get the runner up.

No coach with a approval rating of 8% one week and I think an overall of 23% should get coach of the year. (Tice)

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No coach with a approval rating of 8% one week and I think an overall of 23% should get coach of the year. (Tice)

It actually 74% now on espn. Not that it matters, there is no way he would get coach of the year.

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The team was supposed to be good..that doesn't make him coach of the year. Bengals on the other hand, came from nowhere. Same with the Bears.

Marvin Lewis or Lovey

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To take a team to 16-0 though? How does that not make you atleast considered for Coach of the Year.

Just because the Bears are in 1st in the division doesn't mean anything. To go 9-3 and playing a bunch of those games against the Packers, Lions, and C-pepp turnover Vikes doesn't mean much.

Aight I am sour over the Bears because of the White Sox run so I just dont think they need anymore praise for their city grin.gif

Tice is now rated decent somehow confused.gif

If he has finally been learning how to coach, great. But he needs to show me more than a few wins to win me over. It would be nice to see Tice get demoted to a O-Line coach and Assistant. And see someone come in that has more experience running a team as a whole.

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I have to agree with you Fishin Beast on that. I can maybe giving some consideration to Smith simply because no one picked them to do as well as they are doing, NFC North or not. Here's a breakdown for you to kinda prove your point about the poor NFC North. If you take away the games Chicago has played against the NFC North their record is 5-3. Not bad, but not Coach of the Year consideration. Now if they win out and go 13-3 I would definately give him consideration. Now, Minnesota if you take out NFC North games they are only 3-4. How do you give a coach with that record coach of the year considerations? To me right now you have to put Dungy and Lewis at the top of the list.

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To me it is absurd to even be talking about anyone other than Dungy. He hasn't lost any freakin' games! It dosn't get any better than that.

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Yes, Dungy is the coach for Coach of the Year. Tice shouldn't even be hired back next year let alone be a finalist for coach of the year.

If you remember, we had to bring in two coaching "assistants" to help out Tice because his staff wasn't doing the job. The play calls were not getting to Culpepper until 5 seconds on the play clock.

Most fans should watch the game more closely and take a look at our coaching staff before you scream and holler about the quarterback making bad throws and getting pi$$ pounded by blitzing defenses. It is hard for me to fault Culpepper when there are 10 other players on the field and coaches who prepare these guys for games. Bench Tice and the offensive coaches who couldn't get a play call in on time let alone a good play. Culpepper is still the same pro-bowl QB. Tice is getting better but hasn't been coach of the week let alone coach of the year.

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Regardless of this win streak, the Vikings were picked by EVERYBODY to run away with this horrible division! This won't end up happening because of the Bears as well as the fact that we got beat down earlier in the season by a few teams. If we make the playoffs and win one game he may be brought back... I just don't see either of those scenario's happening. I personally like Mike Tice, I appreciate the intensity he brings, but I think he may be better suited as an offensive line coach (again). I have seen improvements in the defense and the offense has atleast done enough to win a few games recently... they will need to fix that offensive line first and foremost and maybe bring in a top notch LB next year. The Bears will work on upgrading their offense next year and the Packers and Lions are just plain pathetic.... sorry Packer backers. frown.gif

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Dungy has that locked up -if the colts go undefeated for the regular season. If assistant coaches are eligible I'd vote for Tom Moore (offensive coordinator) or The Bears defensive coordinator (whoever that is), for second choice.

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Remember back about week 3 or 4 when everything was going south a lot of fans question Tice with his decisions on the QB position and he stood at the podium and said with a stern voice that Daunte was his QB,so dont give him to much credit with the late success because he didnt have a choice but to play Johnson so give the credit where credit is due and that is to Brad Johnson period.

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Tice probably doesn't have that in his future, however, I will say that he has improved 1000% since his first year. I couldn't believe some of the decisions he made back then....It seemed like they always backfired on the team too. Maybe there is an award for "most improved " coach or something like that he could qualify for?

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