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Your "Go To" coyote call??


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What's your "go to" coyote call during the early winter?

Had a coyote milling around in some corn stubble this morning. I quickly buzzed around the section to get into position to try and call him in. Snuck down the fence line to the perfect spot!!! Time to turn the e-caller on....huh, which one should I use?? Rabbit, Jackrabbit, feline, bird, fawn, baby pig etc... For a moment, I was confused confused.gif (but then again I am easily confused acording to my wife wink.gif). I ended up going with the generic rabbit in distress. Didn't work.

Anyways, which call sound has worked best for you?

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It really depends on how far away the yote was. If it was close i would have used a rodent or lip sqeaks(spelling sorry)also a pup in distress has worked real good for me.

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I use a HS squirrel call that had the accordian looking bellows on it. The bellows fell off and tore while I tried to get it back on.

This call has the main reed as well as a mouse squeaker type read in the side of the barrell.

This call does multiple sounds as it is. It will do an awesome cottontail distress call, pup distress, mouse squeaker, and bird in distress. The most common that have called in dogs for me are the pup distress and mouse squeaker. Many of these sounds depend on my input and experimentation with the calls.

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