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who's fishing this weekend???

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i was just wondering who was fishing and where this weekend. I've had my fair share of fish lake over the last week, so we might go try some wisconsin lakes. what are everyone else's plans.

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I'll be just south of Walker, targeting big pike and largemouths in a small lake. Crappies should be where I left them in deer camp, suspended in 44' in the middle of one basin. Can't wait! ~hogsucker

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I like your avatar, I bet Cheffrey would love to know where you hooked into that bad boy. grin.gif

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Dang, they should hand out hip boots in the BWCA forum. So it was my first fish of the hardwater season, so what. Its still a fish at a time that most were looking at partialy frozen lakes. smirk.gif

I would love to get out this weekend but work and being out of town are definately going to put a damper on those plans.

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Sounds like myself, Stfcatfish and Surface Tension will be out tomorrow. Probably Fishless Lake. I wont be there til about 1:30.

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I plan on hitting fish lake all day tomorrow and seeing if I can't come away with at least something. For the first several hours I will be alone and then some buddies are going to come help me chase tip-ups and have a bit of a barbecue. If any of you guys get out there stop by and say hi. I will be in a fish trap guide prolly some where in the region of the island off the narrows or right in them. Good luck to all who venture out.

keep fishin'


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i might just have to venture out to fish, with the ice getting better i think i might be able to get to a few more promising spots and get away from the ol' narrows.

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Quick Ill call ya on my way up there. Have a apointment at noon but should be there by 1:30 or so. Save me some fish guys.

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Northlander, Give me a call on your way out....Wouldn't mind using you for a wind block!

349-0800...Should be out before you...hopefully. Just got off work...so it might be a late sleep in.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Fish lake, sure why not.

I'll most likely have my sled with STFcatfish on the back puling an Otter sometime after 11AM. Either be SE of the resort off the island or on the shoreline SW of the village. I'll bring an FRS radio and have it on channel 7 w/ no sub channels. Northlander I'll have my phone with, give me a shout.

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