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Metro Walleye Get Together - Ice Fishing

Matt Johnson

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***Update 12/7*** The date and location has been set...

Saturday, January 28 - Lake Minnetonka

7am - Maxwell Bay access

***end of update***

(previously posted info...)

There's been some interest for a Metro Ice Fishing Get Together where the target specie is walleye. A day dedicated to catching Metro walleye, where we are determined to focus solely on the marble eye! Although you can fish for whatever you want really, but walleye will be the intended target for choosing a lake and time.

metrojoe thought it would be cool to start a poll determining which lake we hit, I think that's a good idea, so here it is...

I've put 10 lakes/areas on the poll. Pick which one you would like to see be the host for the Metro Walleye Get Together. We'll probably shoot for something in the first week of January. Also feel free to post any comments afterwards too. Once we get a lake or area narrowed down then we can begin planning an event...

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Why did you have to add Centerville/peltier? That made the choice very hard. mad.gif Maybe we can have a part II someday on Centerville?

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I guess there's no reason why we couldn't plan more than one event. I have no problem with that. If someone wants to plan another one then feel free. Anyone can host one, just pick a lake and a date and post it.

Right now it looks like the Chisago Area is in the lead...

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Matt, I would love to get the chance to fish Tonka with some guys that knew the lake a little bit. I have always wanted to fish this lake a bit more, but the shear size and unlimited structure is intimidating. Calhoun and Harriet are ALOT easier to figure out in a couple of trips.

Two years ago, my buddy had his transducer set for ixce depth up north and when he went to the Houn it hung down 8" below the ice. He drilled his holes and set it up. He started to get his gear around and noticed the depth finder moving towards the hole. Grabbing the flasher, he felt it pulling. He looked downt the hole and a large marchetty had the transducer in its mouth and was trying to eat it. How can a guy throw bucktails and jerk baits all day and get nothing and have one of these crazy fish decide in a couple of minutes that the transducer looks alot better to eat than a Reef Hawg? Crazy stuff.

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Hi Matt,

I am all in for this one. I voted the Chisago area lakes as that is where I am located at and really enjoy all this area has to offer. Looking forward to this get together wherever it occurs. Nothing like getting together with all these great FM people for a day out on the ice. I hope the ice gets safe soon, as I need a fix of fishing very badly. Keep up all the great work all of you guys do on this great fishing site and I look forward to seeing you out on the ice this winter. I intend to go to both Ice series events at Winni and LOW this winter. Should be a great time and I encourage everyone to go, as they are super events and everyone has lots of fun and learns new techniques. See ya on the ice.

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To be honest, Lake Minnetonka would probably be my last choice on that list, just because winter walleye out there can be extremely tough. There are many other choices I'd pick before that if I'm targeting walleye in the Metro. Things change very quick out there, fishing patterns alike. I'm no expert on Tonka for 'eyes, I know the lay-out of the lake pretty well, but my walleye experience out there is in need of some work as well. It's a tough egg to crack...

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I am new to the ice fishing scene here in the Metro, so I think a metro walleye get together is excellent. I have spent most of my time on Mille Lacs. I voted for Calhoun or Harriet only because I live near these lakes and these would be the lakes I would most likely fish during the week. However, I am all for learning a new spot to catch some eyes.

Has anyone fished Eagle Lake by 694 and 169? What is the fish of choice during the winter on that lake? Where would one set up?

Thanks for any info.


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As long as the date selected doesn't conflict with the home front I should be there no matter what the location. I have to agree with Matt that Minnetonka is an intimidating body of water. I spent a few hours out there last year wink.gif and did fairly well on the pike, but that was about it. I do have one little honey hole for crappies on one of the bays, but my knowledge of Minnetonka is limited.

Welcome to FM Askov. You'll find that FM has a good group of members and I'd encourage you to make it to some of the get togethers.

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Hey Matt, thanks for putting this together! Looking forward to hitting the ice with some of the fine human beings that I met out on the ice last year.

If we end up on Minnetonka, can we pull in some of the experts from the open water season? I've been reading their Tonka posts with interest for months, & would love to have some folks out there who've caught some walleyes, whether open water or ice, to give us an edge. I know that I will be absolutely no help as I've never set foot on the frozen wasteland of Minnetonka.

If it is Minnetonka, I'll be happy to jump the Tonka thread & beg for some participation!

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Exactly the reason given are why I chose Tonka. It can be tough and it is intimidating. What better place to put our heads together and learn part of this lake. I know squat about Tonka eyes but I am sure someone will point us in the right direction.

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Looks like Tonka is walking away with it right now. Better bring the auger gas grin.gif

We'll find them 'eyes out there if Tonka is chosen!

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Did you see we have 57 voters so far? Thats very impressive but I'll be quite disapointed when we only have ten people show up and only one or two voted for 'tonka.

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I voted for Tonka for same reason BDR did. We get enough of us out there we have a chance of figuring the lake out. Trying to get a pattern going with just one or two guys doesn't cut it. Believe me I know. Make that 75 or so with a few cell phones and we'll get it done. Besides where else in the Metro do have a reasonable chance at some 6 to 8lb walleyes? And I'm sure some guys will tangle with some hefty pike and maybe a musky or two in the process. Matt maybe we should call it the Tonka Pike-a-thon and cover the whole gamut.

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Don't get me wrong, I love that lake and I fish it every chance I get (about twice a year). Like Matt said, it's very big and hard to figure out. I voted for the Linstom area because I have a killer pannie spot up there, and would like a little help figuring out the Walleyes.

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Looks like it would be tough to access the eastern half of the lake.

What's the best way to get out to Big Island?

Is it possible to gain access at Minnetonka Beach?

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Matt maybe we should call it the Tonka Pike-a-thon and cover the whole gamut.


I think we can find some 'eyes on Tonka, and like Mark said, with enough people we'll be able to cover a lot of area and when something is found it's just a matter of getting on the cell phone smile.gif

This could actually be kind of cool. Send 5-6 people to different sections of the lake to scoop things out during the day, then around 1pm or so we all get together and report our findings. Then we decide which area(s) we want to hit for the sundown bite. If we find an area that looks promising then we can stake claim there and hit it hard with however many people end up going.

Either way it'll be a good chance for everyone to meet up and talk fishing, and we could even add a BBQ into the mix...

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When you say the first week in January, I'm assuming a weekend....like Jan. 7/8?!

I would love to come but depending on what day you guys do this I might be headed to Duluth for a wedding mad.gif Who gets married in January anyway ooo.gif

I'm in the same boat as BDR on this one. Get a bunch of people together to tackle a big lake such as Lake Minnetonka. Better to have more than 2 lines down in an area searchin' for those mysterious eyes'!! Though I won't vote because of my situation.


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a marchetty???? please what is a marchetty oh and by the way i would like to put a vote in for waconia but wqould definatly be at a tonka event so tonka as my second choice

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Well I voted for Calhoun because its only a couple blocks away. But Minnetonka would work too. Count 3 in for which ever lake is chosen. Lets find those walleyes. grin.gif

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yup...tonka it is so far

count me in for whatever lake is chosen

i personally chose harriet/calhoun because i have hammered crappies out there before, but would like to find the walters

this will be fun grin.gif

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I voted for tonka.....but only if I can shadow mark stanley grin.gif Hey mark if we cant find eyes we can always go to the spot we hit last year that I was catching fish that "shouldn't have been there" ooo.gif.

ASKOV- I live a mile from eagle. I fished it quite a few times this summer with fair results but never have done well in the winter. There are norts, eyes, skies, pannies, lmb's...etc You will hammer the perch in any hole you drill on the lake (and I have literally drilled hundreds....in one day) I've caught one eye there.....3 years ago the day after the ice season closed and it wasnt a big one. I hear there are crappies but I have only caught them in open water and again....no size but I hear of a couple nice ones coming out every winter. I think I just dont know how to fish it during ice. It gets HAMMERED NONSTOP for skies in the open water. 99% of the boats I see out there every time are throwing bucktails for skies. Enough of my ramblings now since this is not a eagle lake thread smile.gif

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I think Matt has the idea. Form up some 4 to 5 man teams to do some searching during the day and then reassemble at the best spot (maybe spots) at prime time and try to nail 'em. I've been trying out likely spots for three years now and haven't got a go to one yet. And Moby I can only hope those fish still aren't there smirk.gif. Can't wait to try that again.

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A Marchetty? We had an old friend that had a few beers or a couple of dozen, that couldnt remember that the fish was called a muskie and kept using the term "Marchetty" over and over. I guess the name just kind of stuck with us. It goes into the category of 'it was alot more funny if you were there'. My buddy still calls me and asks if I want to get out and chase the marchetty around. Dumb story but I still refer to them as marchetties.

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Hey Matt,

Count me in for Tonka on the Jan.7th&8th weekend. The weekend after I will be in the FL Keys fishing Tarpon so I won't be able to make it if the dates are the 14th & 15th.

I do have some spots that I can share for targeting Tonka winter eyes when the event gets closer. I'm hoping to get out this coming weekend to target some early ice eyes.



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If we go with the weekend of January 7-8 I might not be able to make it. I'm going to be helping out one of my sponsors at a sport show that weekend. I could possibly swing part of Sunday, January 8, but that's it...

I also think it might be better to shoot for Saturday, January 28. This way we can be more confident that the roads will be plowed out there and for those who won't be running an ATV or snowmobile (like myself for this winter wink.gif), they can get around. We'll be able to cover more ground. The ice will also be thicker then as well. January 8 could still see some questionable spots...

I'm not saying things might not be ready for driving by Janaury 8, but I'd like to be more certain on plowed roads to where we can more adequately cover the spots we would like to cover. I also think a Saturday would be a better choice because then we can stay out all night and not have to be somewhere early Monday smile.gif

How does Saturday, Janaury 28 out on Tonka sound for everyone? Meet up in the morning and spend all day chasing down 'eyes...

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You do need to be somewhere on Sunday the 29th. The Medicine Lake Panfish get together.

Are you going to make both of them?

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