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been out ice fishing for about a week on the river here in trf. Plenty of northerns and a few eyes. Kind of a slow start so far but im sure it will pick up. Ice thickness seems to be about 5-7 inches everywhere i have been. Still be very cautious it could be 2 inches in the channel. How has everyone else been doing?


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Well I don't have a report just yet, but I will after tomorrow. I'll be down on the river somewhere around 8th street. I'll be in a Polar Sport 1-man Flip Over. If you see me, feel free to stop by and say hi.

How deep were you fishing this past week when you caught you're fish?

Good Luck, maybe I'll see you down there.

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I guess it doesn't matter if you tell me how deep you were catching your fish, I know most people from TRF never give away good information! grin.gif Atleast when it comes to fishing the river. shocked.gif

Ayways, I fished on both Saturday and Sunday with pretty good results. Caught atleast 20+ Pike, most averaging about 2lbs with a couple close to 6lbs. Had 4 fish bite me off, and lost a couple good size fish as well. I did manage to catch a Nice Jumbo Perch. It was just shy of 12" inches and very fat, but that was the only one, then the pike started moving in.

I was fishing near the big weed bed that dominates the bay area near the 8th street boat landing. I fished near the Swenson House not far off shore. Water was 7-8ft deep and ice was running a good 8" inches. The area I was fishing is a gap in the weeds I found this past summer. It runs up and down the shore a ways near the swenson house. If you want to catch pike, it's good area. Maybe even for perch if the pike would just stay away for a while.

Good luck on the ice.

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