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KG dissed...

Corey Bechtold

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Anyone see that white boy stuff KG last night?

I think he had his eyes shut and just put his hand if front of the rim and KG happened to hit it. 93X made some funny cracks about that guy, comparing him to "Timmy" from South Park. I had to laugh about that one. grin.gif


Corey Bechtold

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Definitely a crazy play. KG needs to dunk the ball in that close. Alot of times he goes up weak with a layup when he should just power step and slam it home.

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  • 1 month later...

Quote from Garnett: ''I don't make decisions around here. I guess I've just got to live with it till the summer gets here.''

I hope that was taken out of context or something. Hope he sticks around this summer and we show some commitment to improving this year with a trade, or show McHale the door. Either thing would suit me.

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  • 10 months later...

Yeah it must have been total luck if he got stuffed by a WHITE boy...... confused.gif Get real, has the media brainwashed you to think all white people are unathletic? A white player stuffed the almighty Garnett and local radio makes fun of him. Typical, I wish the media wasnt so racist against white athletes, its getting rediculous.

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McHale needs to go at the end of this season. He got us to the Western Conference finals once, numerous 1st round playoff exits, lost 1st round draft picks after being punished by David Stern for the under the table deal with Joe Smith. If McHale stays, he and Glen Taylor must surround Garnett with some real talent this offseason or this franchise is gonna go down the drain.

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I agree with you Tims. I'll get some of you stirred up with this-----I have thought for a number of years that KG is the most overrated player in the league. Can't carry a team like Duncan or Shack, bails out in the fourth quarter year after year, lame a55 fade away for a seven footer. Good player, not what he could be, thats my take, important as my opinion is. Don't think we'ld get much in a trade for him either.

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Can't carry a team like Duncan or Shaq? Duncan and Shaq have always been surrounded with talent. KG has averaged atleast 20pts, 10reb, 5asts. for many years. Give him a good supporting cast like the Lakers once had, or what the Spurs and Heat have now and I think he could win championships. The wolves had one legitimate championship calibur team for one year but failed. Duncan and Shaq are always on teams with consistant talent year in year out, thats why I think they have been able to get titles every couple years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off the Wolves need to get rid of McHale he has proved he cannot run the team or obtain adequate talent to support KG or even field a contending team in the last years. He trades away first rounders like a fat kid with a 100 dollar bill in a candy store.

Secondly, I never would have said this in the past but, they need to trade Garnett. If they don't trade him they will lose him and get nothing in return. Trade him for a few draft picks and some young players who have potential. Right now this team is trying to surround him with players to win a title. They have been trying to do this for the last 10 years and still have no title. Its time to sell the farm and start rebuilding with the young guys we have. Let McCants and Foye grow together and surround them with other talented players to try to get a title in the next 2-4 years.

I really do believe this will be Garnett's last year in MN. I dont' know where his contract is at but if he is going to be a free agent he will be gone and if he is still under contract he will ask to be traded in the offseason. Nobody can deny the guy has given the team all the time in the world to build a good group of guys but now he has to move on and try to get his title with another team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"That white boy" Corey? Whats up with that. Like its a discrase to have a shot blocked by a white guy? crazy.gif

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