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WE GOT PAULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commanche Jim

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Oh My, the Sox are going to be tough next year.

Got Konerko , 5 years $123 mil.

"Paul really did some soul-searching over the last couple of days," Landis went on. "And he started to realize that, if all else was equal, he wanted to be a member of the Chicago White Sox. He really likes it there. And just as important, he feels people like him there. He knows he has a lot of fans, and he respects that. He even talked about the fact that some kids there would be disappointed if he wasn't back there. Don't get me wrong. If it had to be that way for business, he would have gone another way. But basically, his heart was with the White Sox. And that's why he's going back. It isn't for the money."

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Like I said in my previous post(under the free agents), Between Konerko and Thome they will combine for more home runs than the Whole Twins team combined. The Sox are going to be a tough team to beat and I can't wait to see them play this summer in Chicago. They will be a fun team to watch.

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Wow at the price they are paying for Thome and Paulie they wont be able to afford anyone else. Losing Rowand might hurt them in the long run.

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umm. if they paid 25 mil a year for Konerko.. blush.gif They can have him...... grin.gifit is actually 5 years $60 million not 5 $123mil.....Good luck to the Sox....

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They are paying $20 mil for Konerko and Thome, $12 for Paulie, and $8 for Thome. Philly gave the Sox $22 million, don't forget. There's plenty of money still available. Kenny Williams isn't done.

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Glad you corrected your original post. Don't want people to think we got money down here on the Southside of Chicago...In the baddest part of town (pardon my Jim Croce-ism) I think Thome was a steal at 8 mil for the next three years with Philly ponying up the other 22 mil. And as for Paulie, I really thought the Sox would have to shoot higher. Rumors had him going for 65-75 mil for the 5 years, talk was that the Halos were going to go 14-15 mil per for 5 large. Glad the Sox nabbed him for 12 mil a year, don't know how much, if any of that money is deffered but if I know Reinsdorf like I do, he tucked away at least 50% of that contract well into the next decade. Anyway, glad to have Paulie back on the ranch, next up....Juan Pierre. Kenny should have him in a uni within the next 10 days, maybe! YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD...YES!

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Big Deal if you have Konerko and Thome. We have Cuddyer and Lew Ford, beat that. tongue.gif

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I have to say, "UNCLE" you got us Friendly. Maybe Santana can pitch everyday??? Or maybe the new saying in Twinkieland will be, "Santana and Crain...and pray for rain!

Good stuff Friendly, you gotta laugh or you would cry!


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"It's as simple as where your heart is," Konerko added. "That's what brought me back."

This could be a dynasty!

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That's a big move. It MAY keep them in the race... BUT rarely do teams have everything fall FOR them two years in a row. I am leaning toward a year for the Sux about midway between the HOT times and the BIG SLIDE. Could be fun!

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This could be a dynasty!

I always like that one! STOP IT, it hurts too much to hear.

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The World Series winners had a 2005 payroll of $75 million, which ranked 13th in the majors. They figure to increase that by $5-10 million in '06, but are in such good position after acquiring Thome and re-signing Konerko -- which signaled an almost-certain end in Chicago for Frank Thomas and Carl Everett, who earned a combined $12 million in '05 -- that they could stand pat financially and be well positioned for a repeat in the American League Central.

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I thought the Sox blew it by not making any substantial moves last year down the stretch, but I have to give props to the Sox's front office, the future is looking very promising for the South siders, on paper anyway.... smile.gif

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The Yankees look very good on paper too.

In order for this to work, the staff has to pitch as good or better than last year. Not happenin.

Baseball needs a salary cap badly

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The Yankees?

Look good on paper??


Hard to make a $200+ mil payroll look bad, but they figured out a way to do it last year and I think they will find a way to look bad again this year. I would much rather have the Pale Hose 85 mil roster...Lookin' Good!


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Hey Geno,

The hits just keep on comin' on the south side! We just dumped that head case, Marte, for a southsider (Oak Lawn), Rob Mackoviac (sp?). I know that has to make you happy since he was a bonafide Cub-Killer for the Pirates. Could not be happier. When Marte went scitzo and blew up with Ozzie and then when he came into that playoff game and walked the bases full, I knew right then that his days at the Cell were numbered. I can't believe we got a quality player like Mack for that tool. When he was good, he was really good. But when he was bad, it was "Katie bar the door". I guess this goes to show you just how valuable pitching is in baseball, especially a lefty. Oh well, with Neil Cotts coming on like he has, I won't miss Marte one bit. And the Cubbies have one less bat to worry about but one more left handed reliever. Have a great holiday season, I hope Santa stuffs everything you have coming to you down the ole chimney on Christmas eve and as usual...


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Yep, Mackowiak was indeed a Johnny on the spot against the Cubbies. Nice that the WSox can deal from a position of stregnth.

I see we got Pierre from the Marlins. I always hated him, but now I love him.

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I think you may have gotten a pretty good deal there for Juan. Sergio never did much for me but again, it shows what teams will give up for pitching. Only time will tell, he had speed and hits pretty good but word is instead of a cannon for an arm he has a pop gun! Windy

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Thanks guys. Logged on a few hrs ago and noticed the bday cake next to my username. Pretty cool.

In the Cass forum I wrote that my wife says now that I'm 50, I gotta start acting my age if I wanna see 51.

You know how it is - we're all old enough to know better but too young to care!

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Oh yeah, now I remember reading something about SF 'cause of Matheny and some other ex-teammate(s).

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