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canadain goose


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would somone please explain to me who and how the limits and seasons are put into place.here in west central MN.wow is how i would explain the amount the amount of geese, this happens every year.someone should get out from behind their desk and come out for a drive.

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I have often wondered this also. I think a lot of farmers get pretty upset at acres or ruined crops because of geese each year too. It'd be great to hear the reason.

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IIRC, the big reason for the tight limits during the regular season is the fact that the Eastern Prairie Pouplation sub-species migrates through this area, and this population has not had good numbers in recent years.

As you probably know, the early and late season limits are higher.


This article is a few years old, but still holds true. Do a search on EPP geese and you will find a lot of interesting reading on Canada geese and their sub species.

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Yep that's the stated reason, but its bunk! I never see those EPP geese and there are TONS of greaters around. I drove 25 minutes away yesterday to the 7th grader's basketball game and probably saw 400 geese!

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i've read the article before,how do they identify this sub spieces among 100,000 birds insuch a huge area.while up the flyway just 60 miles nw in ND to this day they shoot 3 birds a day it has to be the same flyway with same birds.the early and late season have led to very limited success in recent years.birds moving offspring out early nere as I can tell following small grain harvest.rumor has it of even earlier start dates on early goose season even more mosquitos.none the less they pentalise us not even getting to hunt any migratory geese.Dec. 10 crap shoot for any numbers left to go after.how many epp geese are harvested after leaving MN,do other states protect this sub species also just curious.

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While I agree it is a nuisance to only be able to shoot 1 goose, etc., I think the people who put in the time to actually go goose hunting in WC MN have better hunting because of it. If the limit was 3 like in ND, there would be a group set up in most decent fields on the weekends, not to mention leasing. The key to good goose hunting is letting the birds get comfortable and not constantly harassing them. The dakotas have this luxury. MN does not. That being said, I agree it is almost a waste of time to set up in a really good field. You will be done in a half hour anyway. I believe EPP's have had better success the last couple years, and I wouldn't be surprised to see more liberal reg's in the near future. Even this year they loosened the noose quite a bit in the WC zone.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but the EPP's hit Laq Qui Parle as they migrate south. The concern is that their sub species would take a big hit in populations if the statewide limit was high.

Hence the reason for the more liberal early and late season limits. The EPP's are not here for the early season, and they are basically gone by the time late season rolls around.

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it doesn't happen every year but they loose more geese to desease than to steel shot at laq Qui Parle.In recent years the number of hunters in state blinds has dwindeled.

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