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What's with the head cock?


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My 10 month old yellow lab makes me laugh everyday. She's one of those dogs that does that darn head cock. You know, where they turn their head to the side then they turn it to the other side, almost like they're saying, "what do you want me to do???" It's hilarious to watch. I just have to say anything and she'll cock her head to the side. Then I'll say something else and she'll cock it to the other side. It doesn't even matter what I say. If a word comes out of my mouth, she cocks her head. Why? Is there some anatomical reason for this? Does it help their hearing? Or is it something we aren't supposed to understand, just enjoy? It just makes me laugh everytime she does it. Dogs are great! No matter how mad you get at them, they always find a way to make you smile. smile.gif

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Mine does this too. What is going on is that the dog is looking at you from different perspectives and thinking that you really are as dumb as you look. grin.gif [rimshot] Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week! Enjoy the buffet!

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Dogs ear are on the side of they're head, so what they are doing is trying to pin point were the sounds are coming from. Cat's can turn they're ears to do this, dogs tilt they're heads.

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Dogs ear are on the side of they're head, so what they are doing is trying to pin point were the sounds are coming from. Cat's can turn they're ears to do this, dogs tilt they're heads.

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