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stfcatfish, Surface Tension and anyone else-

I went out at noon today and checked the Ice at Fourmile.

All that rain and the 48 degree weather really put a damper on my plans!!!

Any way, I punched a hole with my spud about 10 feet from shore and popped a chunk of ice out. The warm weather and rain weakened the ice. Almost looked like it was heading toward honeycomb. It is solid 3" with soft ice on top. I think before the warm up and rain it was solid 4 1/2" to 5".

Hopefully, it will freeze up good tonight and stop snowing.

Going to check out Crescent tommorro and maybe fish.

Later, David

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I think with the lighter than expected snow and the lows in single digits around zero and teen highs, we'll be looking good again by week's end. I took a good look at Shag today, and there's just not much snow out there. They got a lot more in Tower. The snow/rain line sort of dangled between Tower and Ely last night for several hours.

Let us know how you do on Crescent. Just the truth now, no fish stories. grin.gif

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was out on boulder this afternoon and the ice looked good, some small area's of slush built up on top of the ice but the rest was about 5 in of good black ice. fishing was slow with me getting blanked and porter getting 2 eyes and a perch. I was also pretty steamed when my brand new lowrance x67 crapped out on me. it went to a blank white screen that said,"computer corupted contact service team." Long story shore, i returned it and got a marcum. now northlander can't make fun of me and my flasher anymore. grin.gif

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Quick, where I like to fish eyes on Bolulder would be one heck of a hike from the landing. Were you walking or take the sled?

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

HardH2O, with the latest temps the lakes should bounce back from the rains and warm up. I almost glad it was all rain and not 2' of snow on the new ice. I replied to your email but from the looks of it your already on your trip.

Good Luck and be careful.

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we walked out of silver fox lodge and found the break on the main lake side of the little rock island there. not abad walk at all. still need a bit more cold before i bring the sled out.

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Ok Ill say it. I TOLD YA SO! I guess some guys just have to learn the hard way Quick. What are your plans for the next few days? I may be able to sneak out for a bit. Call my cell.

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Steve, I think Porter, tcumd, pieye, and myself are heading out tommorrow morning, sleepdiver may join us as well once he wakes up. grin.gif I don't know exactly where we are going but i'll give you a call once I know. Actually there is a good chance I could be out the next 4 days at some point or another!!! grin.gif

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Got back from the great north this afternoon.

Kids and I went out to Crescent on Wednesday till dark.

Had one bite but it got away. 4 1/2" of solid Ice everywhere.

Went out to Fourmile on Thursday and got skunked again.

Fish were not co-operating.

Ice was 5 1/2 to 6" thick. Wind was cold coming in!!

It was fun to get out anyway. Bad day of fishing beats a good day at work anyday!!


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