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Barnacles Resort

Pickled Pike

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Anyone have any info on Barnacles? I just bought a house up there, and I understand the current owners are selling this week. The new owner supposedly worked for some time at Hunters Point. I know the price is going up, and I believe they are not offering summer use of the houses. Can anyone confirm any of this?

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I have been up there (Barnacle's) quite a bit this summer and this fall (2 weeks ago the last time), here's what I know. The sale has been going through next week or in two weeks since the middle of summer. Although a purchase agreement was made, until it actually happens, I'll beleive it when I see it. If it is not sold, Doug and Sheila said the rates are going up $75.00 and everything else pretty much remains the same. I can not speak for the new owners if it is sold, but I can not imagine they would limit summer use, maybe an extra fee? I don't know. I have heard also the prospective new owners have experience on the Mille Lacs ice. Whether it is from Hunter's or not, I wouldn't know.

I do know, houses will go out, and I can't wait!


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That is about the same as what I have figured out talking to Doug during deer hunting. There was a holdup due to the septic system problem, who knows what it is now. I don't know where the no summer use of fishhouses rumor came from, I had not heard that one. If true, the new owners can color me gone. CH

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The no summer thing came from a couple of guys I met over at Carlsona Beach a couple of weekends ago. They were using their houses year round (maybe living in them?), and they told me they got eviction notices. Of course this is not first hand info, so make of it what you will. I too will pull out if there's no summer use.

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Eviction for the year-round tenants? Yep - now that makes some sense. I know there is a guy just a few houses from mine, who pretty much lives in his ice house in the summer and rides his bike to work or where ever. His house is surrounded by stuff/junk. I guess it's one thing if you are using your house on the weekends in the summer and paying for the landing, slip space, eating and drinking in the bar, etc. It's another if you are just taking advantage of a place to stay. I know the group I am with (4 houses), we definately do our part to keep the lights on. grin.gif I couldn't imagine a resort turning that business away.

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I couldn't agree more. I've seen the "permanent house" right when you pull in. It looks like #%@$!!. Anyway, I can't imagine that any resort owner up there would turn away the profit from summer use of their fish house storage. I can launch my boat anywhere, but I'll launch where my fish house is so I have somewhere to go if the weather gets bad, or I just don't want to drive home. I'm heading up there tomorrow, so I'll post an update when I get back tomorrow night. I'm going to ask Doug what the heck is going on up there. If it looks like summer is out, then so am I.

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Hey Mike, I'd like to hook up with you and your crew if possible. I'm right in your neck of the woods (Champlin). Shoot me an E-mail if you're interested.

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for anyone who wasn't there this last weekend, here's the latest. The sale is supposed to be finalized this coming Friday. A group of us met the new owners, and they seem to be on board with getting everyone out as soon as the ice permits. I personally asked the new owner what the price increase will be and he told me $75 for my size house

(8 x 16). On a side note, Harmonica Bear did you catch the license of that truck that ran me over? You guys are nuts! Great fun, and glad I met your crew. See you up there. smirk.gif

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Pickled Pike, was it a truck? Wow... It was good to meet you as well. That was too funny.

I feel pretty comfortable with the ownerhsip transition, I think it will all work out just fine. At least they addressed all of my concerns.

I can't wait to get out fishing. I think it is going to be a good winter.

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So does anybody know if the bartender is staying? His homemade bloody mix is the best and has helped me out on quite a few occassions!! grin.gif

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Darn right those are good bloodies! Yes, as far as what I was told all the employees are staying except for one guy who used to help out on the ice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The guys that talked to the new owners, what did they say regarding using our fishhouses spring/summer/fall? I am not in the so called fish house park, but in the back. Are we going to be able to use our shacks? I emailed them several days ago with no reply. Thanks. CH

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I talked to the new owner yesterday, Jim really nice guy. He was talking about cleaning up the field and putting in a shower house. He may bring electric back there too. They are going to start pulling smaller houses out this weekend. Most of the snow blew off the lake but there is alot of slush on the shoreline now. My house is going out monday when i get back up there. It will be $425 for a 8*12.

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I got my house out monday and did really good on the perch. The biggest was 14" many in the 10" - 12" range. They have a road plowed out as far as you can see. 5 or 6 miles, I guess. They started pulling houses out to the flats on tuesday. 12 to 14 inches of good ice.

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I have been told that the new owner may be planning to charge people to stay in their shacks in the summer. Have you discussed this with him? I emailed but did not get a reply.

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