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We need to think about a possible date for a clean up at Foster. Last year was a Sunday, thew day before when the kids returned to school from the winter break. This year that day will be New Years Day....might be tough for alot of people. Saturday the 7th of January comes to mind as being ok. Any input or interest?

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I'll be up on URL and LOW with Hanson and Fiskyknut during New Years but I should be back in time for the 7th.

Last year we had people helping us that had no clue who we were or why we were doing it. Some kid came over to me and asked if he could have a bag and help us pick up garbage.

It was a good time watching the news guy interview Tom. It was a sight to see for sure. He caught that trout almost as if right on cue. While the camera was rolling. Funny stuff!

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What do you think Tom, a little outing on the backwaters on that Friday? I'll head over on Thursday evening and we can hit the ice the following day prior to the clean-up?

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Heck yes....a little pre-bash bash? A touch of premeditated ichthelogical homicide? A serious search for the upper hand? You bet dude! I'll mail you.

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A touch of premeditated ichthelogical homicide?

Wow!!! Tom you lost me there confused.gif As for me the 7th would be better. It seems I have too many people to look out for, and the day after New Years Eve is the worst!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've got some buddies coming form SoDak that weekend and we are all planning on attending this cleanup and then getting busy with those pesky trout.

Dave Frank and Craig are coming (for those of you that know them) and Howellcanufish - Matt is also invited.

PS. Murph I'm with you on being lost with "premeditated ichthelogical homicide"... I'm not even sure Mr. Webster himself could define that phrase.

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Dan I haven't met u yet but there is a bunch of us from our church goin up to url and lotw on 12/30-1/3 we're rentin sleepers from sportsman. this has been the best site for info on conditions, bite,etc.. keep up the great job fellas I did meet down to earth at church this past sunday and i met tyler at hof one back with my son

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Awe yes coyotehunter,

You should try to make it to one of these events and I can introduce you around to the rest of the FMers. I will be at the Foster Cleanup and I'm planning on the Zumbro Zinger. Bring the youngster so at least we have one true fisherman present within the group. URL should be a good time for ya.

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Tyler, i'm planning on being there,the little guy sure does love to fish so i'm sure he'll be with me.

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Well guys its been for ever since i've been on fm . Is the clean- up a private clean - up bash or can any one join. if i can i'll gladly loan some back power and elbow grease if needed. If i dont see any of you before christmas, happy christmas ans many happy ice fishing days to you all

da freak

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it's not just a bunch of guys picking up garbage? What goes on besides garbage detail? I'll see if I can make it. That "big blue" building on the North end of town takes up some of my weekends. With the quarter and year ending now maybe I'll have some time to help. Not to mention it kind of makes you feel good doing something good for the outdoors.

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We only do the actual trash detail for the first hour and a half or two, whatever it takes to get thing picked up some. Then we fish. For the kids that join in we try to get some tackle hand-outs rounded up. Culprit Plastics and Scenic tackle will be providing some of these goodies. But no, it is not all work and is as much a social get-together as anything. It serves to get people who read the site familiar with names/faces and at the same time allows for an awful lot of first-hand and hands-on education to take place. No pressure, no fee, no restrictions. Just doing what we can to help the city pick upa piece of property that takes a lot of abuse from litters.

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Welcome to FishingMinnesota.com.

The Foster Clean-up will begin with a meeting of the troops at 9 bells am,at the large steel gate at the north end of the parking lot. Garbage bags will get handed out there at that time and others will be available on the ice. Garbage collecion be be approximately the first hour and a half.

Again, Welcome to FishingMinnesota.com where we are always happy to see new names, hope to see new faces and treasure a fresh perspective. Enjoy!

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We should be ok yet. Cooler wether is coming and that will slow the melt some. I will be posting the yea or nae on Friday though. I'll go out that morning and do a check on the conditions. Fishing shouldbe pretty fair though....they just dumped a few in there.

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On Thrusday, the ice was 7-8" and felt solid. We saw people all over the ice.

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I'll keep the up-dates coming. We're supposed to cool down now, so maybe things will take a turn for the better.

On another note.... Jeff Beckwith (Scenic Tackle) showed up at my door today with a box full of go devils as a hand-out treat for kids. These are much appreciated Jeff!

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I was out there Monday between 3 -5pm, a good 8" of Ice, lots of people. I got a nice 16" trout and a whole lot of small sunnies. I would be honnored to attend the cleanup on Sat.

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Hello Everyone,

My four year-old boy and I will be at the clean on saturday to lend a hand and all. It'll be good to meet those that I haven't had the pleasure off meeting and It will great to see those that i have before again.PLus it will be nice to be outdoors with the boy and doing some good work. But I have a problem I haven't ice fished in years since my g=pa died and the boy wants to give ice fishing a try. I dont have any ice fishing gear left, so if anyone has gear that the boy could try to fish with for a bit , I really would appreciate it. i feel like an (Contact US Regarding This Word) asking you all this favor. But any way see ya all on saturday morning.Thanx again

da freak

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We are going to consider the clean-up a go! The ice seems to have held up to the rigors of Randy's thaw with one small area being the exception and we'll simply avoid that spot.

I am thinking we will gather at the gate in the parking area, clean that lot up a little and then hit the ice and shorelines. By 10-10:30 we should have things spruced up enough to concentrate on the trout for a few hours of fun and chit-chat.

Again....this is a freebie. Bags are being provided. We do have some tackle for kids involved and a couple caps. There are no set hours so a time commitment is totally up to those who choose to join in, however we will be starting at nine am. We do not want any injuries so only things easily picked up by one person are the limits for what we will handle. If there are things that might require a bit more involvement we can discuss it prior to any attempt at moving it.

We want things kept simple and fun while at the same time helping out the lake and the environment.

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Hey Guys, I am really looking forward to joining you all at Foster's and put the names and faces together. I will be bringing my girlfriends little 5yr. old , he's my fishing buddy as well, he said he is willing to help us clean up a bit, but wants to out catch me in fish so we'll be having a little competition going on smile.gifTaught him how to trout fish last year and I think he and the fishes have a conspired against me, he sure picked up on it!! Usually does outfish me!! tongue.gif See you at 9:00 am!!

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Well things look grim frown.gif. My oldest woke up with a fever of 102+ this morning. shocked.gif I'd make the trip myself, but the better half has to work this weekend. I was really looking forward to this get together. Is there a Backwater Brawl in the works?

Good luck and have fun.

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