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Sunday the 18th is my 1st day off. If another date is set I will try to get it off.

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  • Northlander


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  • firemedic5586


Thats perfect for me Steve, not sure what other dates work for people. You can count on me for my part again this year. Hopefully I won't get sick again and will be able to show up. smirk.gif

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Thats great. I hopefully will have a 4 wheeler or sled to use that day.

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I work on the 18th. So lets get the day set so I can try and take it off if that is going to be the day.

Take care,


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Sunday, 18th works great....

We'll have to get a list of stuff for folks to bring...Grills, sausage, beverages, all the goodies!

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STF, i wish i would have known you were up this way and fishing out on fish lake. BWTrout, myself, and Nunnu and Co, were out there all weekend too. we hit the islands out by pontoon bay. did ok. got a few eye's for the pan. a few pikies as well. it was sure good to be out on the ice again. probably wont be again for a while. finals right around the corner.

ps. has chunky told you about my little under-grad research project im doing this winter? i'll be seeing a lot of you guys once the laker season opens.

oh, yea, nice eye!

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Hmmm. No, Mr. Chunky has been closed-mouthed about any such research project. Guess we'll be seeing you up here, though!!! grin.gif

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Hey guys. I might be around for the 18th. I've haven't had a chance to get out up around here since I've been hunting so much still. Busy fishing south of here too. Sounds like fun and I'll see what I can do with work to be there.

BD110 did you sell my shack yet? I'm getting a truck up here in the near future and we'll have to meet up when you have the time. I'll get that cabin out of your rafters and maybe we can hit the ice. I'll give you a call soon so we can hook up. Take care.

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When I saw that you had posted I was going to ask you if you were ready to take delivery of your portable. It's ready for you when ever you want it just give me a call on my cell.

Take care,


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As far as the pee patrol goes has she ever stopped to think where the hundreds of thousands of fish in fish lake go to releave themselves? Or the ducks, or seaguls, or geese or...........

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Went out today with BD110 and we (I) had a decent day. I caught about 10 Pike and 2 walleyes and 4 small perch. Most came jigging a drop rig with a head or on a bobber and a small chub. Missed a 5 pound eye that came unglued just below the ice. The other 2 were a 15" kept and a 12" released.

Everything besides the pike were very finicky and wanted small slow or still presentations. Pike were very aggresive. 10' of laid down weed. Ill be out tomorrow AM I think.

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Northlander.... Sounds like me and Quick are going to head out in the morning as well.... Probably see you out there

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A couple small pike, 2 nice perch kept and some smaller ones released and a 17"eye. I missed a HOG a few feet under the ice. At least 29" eye! No shiznit! After missing a 5#er yesterday on the same lure I threw it away.

I dont know, I got a good hook into both fish they just came unglued. I know the treble was sharp but I think it may be to small on this certain spoon type. I will be replacing with bigger trebles before I use them again.

I wont be out tomorrow I work til 3pm.

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Was ya using dem der shiners for bait ? makes my mouth water thinking about dem lil critters. Silver ones, golden ones, yummm

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Northlander, if you can, give me a call tonight.

349-0800 - I hope to be out around 7-8AM tomorrow.

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Just wondering who will be out on Fish tomorrow, 12/10/05? I will be out with the black Vmax and voyageur house trying hook the first walleye of the season. I haven't had the opportunity to meet many of you forum members but would like to, so stop by if you're in the neighboorhood. Is there an offical two way radio channel? Good luck and tight lines to all.

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Will be out Sun afternoon --- Going out from Hi-Banks. Will have my Green Polar 2x wide. Not sure if I'll have it up or not, depends on mother nature. It will be attached to my Mossy Oak Sportsman 700 on Tracks. Don't think there will be to many of them on the ice... Say HI if your going by, I'd like to meet this crew. Heck last time I was on that Fish Lake I dropped the machine through, think there were 5 miles on it then but thats another story.

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Steve, I think I know what your doing wrong. Its not the bait or the way your setting the hook. You have got to stop looking down the hole when there getting close. Your scarying them buggers right off the hook shocked.gifgrin.gif Just giving you (I know contact us about using this word). Have you done any fishing in Wi yet or on the river?

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Won't be out tommorrow, unsure where I will be at on Sunday but as far as 2 ways go most of us are on channel 7 with no subchannels when we are out. Best of luck to you.

Northlander, sounds like you got a bit of the "cheffrey" fish losing virus. I still havent shaken mine yet. grin.gif

Firemedic, If we do end up out on fish on Sunday we will definately look you up. As of now though sounds like we are heading into cheeseland.

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Me and some buddies are going to be out early tomorrow fishing the south side of the narrows prolly chasing flags and maybe jigging a little bit. I will be in an old fish trap guide and with 2 guys that will be in tan carharts and look exactly the same, they tell me thats what happens when two people are twins. If you head out that way stop by and give a holler. Anybody that heads out there stop by and say hi. I too like meeting people off here and haven't met all that many. So good luck to anyone who gets out tomorrow.

keep fishin'


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"look exactly the same, they tell me thats what happens when two people are twins"

My Son (Blonde, Blue eyes) and Daughter (Brunete, Brown eyes) are twins, will be turning 2 in Jan. Anyway, if I had a dollar for eveytime I was asked "Oh...twins are they Identical"... as they are looking right at my kids crazy.gif! I always use the line from Kindergarden Cop. Men have p######, women have v$$$$$$. The sad part about it alot of people don't even realize they have been slamed.

Channel 7 it is.

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Outdoor Ran, I think you hit the nail right on the head with NL losing those fish at the hole. You think they swim away never to eat again ?

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Oh man I knew I had some crap coming for that one. I dont blame you guys I would do the same to you guys! wink.gif

Viking you need to come up and hit the ice with us.

Unfortunately I have to work today and tommorow til 3pm so I wont be out. Will be out someplace on Mon and Tues though. Anybody in?

Ran I have been out once on a little cheesey lake and did well on tip ups for eyes. Its usually a short lived 1st ice bite so it could be done by now. Usually only about 3 weeks of good fishing in that area. Then go deep young man go deep.

Give me a holler if ya want to get out. Good luck to everyone this weekend and be safe!!

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11 inches of ice, small cars and trucks driving around on the lake. Can hear/feal the ice poping way before you even here there vehicle.

Got out for a couple hours Sunday, just outside of thge narrows. We were pulling out of Hi-Banks @ 1800hrs. Talked to a few people and sounded like it was slow on Sunday. Some eyes were biting but non were keepers. As for myself and my Dad, nothing, I did get a few blibs on my loarance but I didn't have the Marcum cam in the whole so not sure what was sniffing around down there.

On the WTF list. One of the people who live up on the bluffs right outside the narrows (I assume he/she live there) came zipping about 1700, pulls up by some stuff on shore. Dismounts the wheeler, gets in front of the machine so "he" can use the head lights. After doing what ever for a bit. We hear a nice load bang, defenatly the sound of small arms fire crazy.gif. Said person hops back on the wheeler, doubles back about 25 yards then drives up a trail that transverses the hill at a rather steep angle to the house on the bluff. I'm glad he was iliminated by his headlights with "his" back to me, cuz "him" poping off around sort of made me, my dad, and another guy who was fishing about 75 yards away nervous. Even though my SP700 is rather big, it doesn't provide much on the terms of cover. Anyway is this a standard "Hey Lucie I'm home" routine for this neck of the woods. grin.gif

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Sounds like something the police should have been notified of. Thats all we need is someone out there shooting across the lake. I hope it wasnt the "Pee Patrol" having a bad day.

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FireMedic -

I was the other gentleman fishing 75 yards away. I think your thought was right..he had orange on...possibly shooting off his last muzzleloader he had loaded?

But seriously...shooting a gun into the bank on a lake full of fisherman. Give me a break. That was seriously one of the most stupid things i have seen. BTW...love the wheeler & Tracks....must be REAL nice when it comes to mud/slush!

Ohh ya, next time, I'm not walkin! Thats one hell of a haul back balancing a propane tank, fishing poles, grill, tackel box, lantern etc on top of my 5600 Clam. haha...done it many times though!

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FireMedic -

I was the other gentleman fishing 75 yards away. I think your thought was right..he had orange on...possibly shooting off his last muzzleloader he had loaded?

But seriously...shooting a gun into the bank on a lake full of fisherman. Give me a break. That was seriously one of the most stupid things i have seen. BTW...love the wheeler & Tracks....must be REAL nice when it comes to mud/slush!

Ohh ya, next time, I'm not walkin! Thats one hell of a haul back balancing a propane tank, fishing poles, grill, tackel box, lantern etc on top of my 5600 Clam. haha...done it many times though!

I would have offered you a ride, but by the time I caught up with you, you were already at Hi-Banks. Next time out I would be more then happy to give you a ride, or anyone else who asks for that matter.

As or my wheeler, it will hold its own with the tracks on.

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No worries on the ride! Thanks though. I'm still rather young, and need the exercise anyways! I probably would have turned 'er down just cuz it felt so darn good!

Hope your going to make it back out on Sunday with the rest! Sure sounds like a grand 'ol time!

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