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got out on fish for the first time today and everywhere i looked it seemed that there was an FMer!!! fishing was pretty slow but i managed to get 3 small eyes a nice perch and 4 pike while losing a pig at the hole. right before packing up porter landed a nice 20 in walleye. man i love ice fishing but it is much more enjoyable when it's not raining. frown.gif

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How much ice was out there? I was thinking about going, but with the rain and warmer temps, decided it wouldn't be too smart. Must be sufficient if there was a bunch of guys out. Might have to sneak out sometime this week....


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I would say about 5 inches that thinned out the farther you got out of the narrows. I was pretty much right in "crappie village" though, and had 5" no problem. I would be hesitant about this week though. It was raining pretty good when we took off on Sunday night and there was standing water all over the ice. Not to mention the 40 plus degree temps this morning. I'll probably be waiting for the next cold snap before I get out again. JH

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I left as soon as the Pee Patrol started yelling. Hit a small lake North of there and there was only about 2 1/2- 3" of ice.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Thanks for the report guys.

Pee Patrol, ah no not agian.

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I was out as well and a splendid day it was. First fish up the whole was a sucker, after that a trio of pike. My tip up kept getting slammed but they wouldn't take the 5" sucker that was on it. The fish were skiddish yesterday with alot of lookers but minimal commiters.

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Man ohh man. Pee Patrol. Did she have her camera with this time?

I have "run" into her a few times on the lake....ARg!

Well, temps are to not be up above 30 for the rest of the month (after today)..and down in the teens next weekend. Hopfully with this coldness coming, that 5" will come back, plus a bit more. Would be nice to have a mini gathering or something back off HiBanks....

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You would think this lady had better things to do besides watch guys pee on the ice. Maybe its not the pee she is looking for? Maybe we should be calling the police on her next time? blush.gif She even got her goofy husband involved in it this time. crazy.gif

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Woodie are you being a problem child? grin.gif Dont make me come over there! Hey did you ever get that Fishbright taken care of? If not e-mail ASAP. [email protected]

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Story of my life...causing problems.!

No fishbright yet. I'll shoot ya an email on it. May see you down in St. Paul this weekend also...

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Thanks to the Morning crew on B105 this lady now has morning show publicity! wink.gif

No, seriously, Thanks to the morning crew on the radio for letting their listeners know about FishingMN.com as well as the local forums! It's appreciated!

(They made reference to "pee patrol" this morning, and told the story of her Telescope, picture taking of license plates etc....rather funny for those who didn't know about it.....Wonder if she was tuned in? hhahah)

In the meantime, who all will be out on Fish Lake this Saturday? Are you heading out from HiBanks? Is HiBanks now stocked with Bait?

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I will be out there with some buddies prolly tip-up fishing the narrows and having an all around grand old time. I will have a blue fish trap guide and black carhart bibs on. Feel free to stop and say hi any of you guys that are going to be out there.

keep fishin'


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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Its one thing to be good stewards of land and water, personally I think this women feels she has ownership of the lake along with county and state land around her. Its just a bit ironic how the once undeveloped point(good spot to fish btw wink.gif ) she resides over is now one of the Grandest new homes on the lake, just an example of wheres shes coming from.

Yes she has made herself to be a pain in the rear, lets not stoop to a lower level over this. Conduct yourselves with comments or actions like the true sportsmen you are.

Just for the reason you never know if you'll be fishing near mixed company, carry your pee bottle and a Hefty bag.

You can proudly display its contents if you should happen to get a visit from someone with nothing better to do, in fact I strongly urge you to show and tell.

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Frank - Thats great...haha! Next is a thread for "Fish Lake Prized Poop".....Who builds the biggest mound!

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well it takes all kinds...welcome to the civilized world

i never laughed so hard as reading about this pee patrol..my god shot coffee right out my nose

i guess common sense simply states if theres women around dont be writin yer name in the snow regardless its a natural act or not

be prepared an make adjustments

pee patrol..ROFLMAO

guess ya can always ask her to hold it for ya.....NO NO NO..yer fishing pole while ya walk outta eyesight to do yer buisness

fisherman are such pervs grin.gif

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Let us know how you guys do out on Fish Lake. Thanks

Also, can someone warn me where "Pee Patrol" lurks out there so I don't tick anyone off. Much appreciated.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Pikester, I'll let STF post. We had the west end of the lake to ourselves. As far as pee patrol, we weren't keeping track and well..peeing freely. smirk.gif

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Was on fish from 10-6:30 today. Fished the narrows away from most people. 3 northerns and lots of misses, no eye's in the frying pan though. How did everyone else do?

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me and porter did pretty good, we got about a dozen dandy perch and a decent eye. we also couldn't keep the pike off our line and donated quite a few jigs to those darn toothy critters. we were down by the air base.

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About the same for me Quick less a couple Perch. More smal ones than you guys. Had 1 nice fish on but it came unglued. Bite died after you left.

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Anyone out and about tomorrow? NateB and myself made tenative plans but haven't decided on a venue. Would like to meet some of you jokers.

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Frank and I logged two 'eyes, five pike and a dinky perch. Took home a 17-inch 'eye and the three biggest pike (all about 2-3 lbs for pike fingers, mmmmm), and let a 25-incher go back down the hole (shown below). Both 'eyes and two of the pike came on the same tip-up (minnow, hook, split shot). Not the best of days, but, truly, nowhere near the worst, either.

Oh, don't forget to ask Frank what all broke as he was "breaking in" his new Otter behind the snowmobile. blush.gif Also, about 7 inches of good ice everywhere we went.


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Going to try go out tommorrow. Heading out from the dam I think at this point. Wont be out till at least 1:30pm Gotta go to church and then take me boys to see Reindeer and Santa at Fitger's at 11 am.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Nice pic STF if I don't say so myself. I had a super time and what better way to break-in the new Otter. Ah yes, christened by an eruption beer and vanilla Coke from the ride across the lake. Of coarse if your going to do a break-in you have to break something right? The rest of the broken items fall under that procedure.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators


Are there any FM'er get togethers planned for Fish Lake this year? Thanks

Lets do it soon. I've got plans next Sat but lets here some dates when most can make it.

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