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one last fling...

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Tomorrow I'll tuck my boat away for the winter frown.gif. But at least I got out on Tonka for one last fling. Caught walleyes at 24 and 29 inches smile.gif. Kissed the big one on the lips before letting her go. How sentimental, eh? Now to clean up all my open water fishing crap and get ready for ICE!

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Not a bad way to end the season... kissing a 29-inch walleye grin.gif Nice fish!

How's your luck been for winter walleye out on Tonka?

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One of my sons went river fishing this afternoon. He caught five walleyes between 15 and 19 inches in about an hour and a half. He says its time to switch to lighter jigs for the rest of the season. He's not ready to give up open water fishing for a while.

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Truth is, I have never fished ice eyes on Tonka before. This year will be my first go at it. Mark Stanley says they mysteriously disappear in january, so begins panfish pursuits. Maybe some of the other guys who fish Tonka can chime in on that one. Any word on gathering the UPL'ers before the Linwood event? Me and cyberfish already have our jigs baited and ready to go laugh.gif. Should be a gas!


Nice collection of eyes. What part of the river were you fishing?

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Calvinist, He won't tell me where he caught them. He says I can't keep a secret. The kicker is that he caught them on jigs he took out of my tackle box. My youngest of four sons is 23. How old do they have to get before they stop raiding dad's tackle box? grin.gif

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How old depends on what's in your tackle box! At 36, I'm putting my unwanted stuff in my dad's, kid's tackle boxes. I would guess I quit raiding his at age 12, At age 16 I owned more tackle than he ever did, to this day. It helped that I got my first job at a sport shop.

I found a place that the walleyes are congregating and feeding on shiners. It happened that while duck hunting we noted the sand bar in the river was loaded with shiners, the next morning when we crossed the sand bar, my cousin in the front of the boat with the flood light saw dozens of walleyes in there feeding. Might have been a one time thing, but I doubt it. Odd thing is I've never seen anyone fishing there. I may try it occasionally if the weather ever straightens out. I can't bring myself to put the boat away for the year, but am really looking forward to the hard water too. Good luck fishing, fisherking01

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We can probably work something out for a get together before the Linwood event. Maybe all meet up at a bar/grill somewhere or even on the ice?

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Hey fishkisser, you puttin' da boat away when you are on fish like that?? Me thinks me smells a feeesh story hahaha blush.giftongue.gifwink.gif

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I did it only to keep peace between me and the wife...she just doesn't understand the whole fishin' thing. If you want to get out this saturday, cyberfish, we'll have to use your boat! Or did you put her to bed for the winter?

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Yup, my bote is tucked away for a long winters nap. Looks like fishin is over, every lake I drove by today had icecover. Even the big river was full of ice chunks. Tonkas probably still open, put another couple of cold windless nites will lock er up. Guess we will have plenty of ice for chasing those linwood slabs in a couple of weeks!

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